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02-01-2009, 06:56 AM
Excuse me... this won't take long.

I am not a father, but I love my niece and nephew very much... I can't come to imagine just what it was like to be in those shoes....
I think I would want to burn down the world...


Thank you.

02-01-2009, 10:16 AM
THANK YOU FOR POSTING THOSE NO EXCUSE ME NEEDED, The Bible Teaches Us Brother THE LORD THY GOD Does Not Put Nothing On Us In Which Cant Bear Thats Also Applys To Our Bravest Warriors Brother I Just Know GLORY TO GOD That That PEACE THAT PASSES ALL KNOWLGE AND UNDERSTANDING AND THE COMFORTER Our With Theme At This Time

02-02-2009, 12:12 AM
let do propaganda with children. I don't say died children is wrong but still terrorist should be wiped away!

02-02-2009, 09:23 AM
... hmm interesting comment.
If children are being killed on daily basis... even as high as 50 a day, I say it is still worth it... cause at the end of the day, you would have killed at least 10 terrorist...and gave birth to at the very least 1000 more! ... Count me in.

It surprising, just how much conscious it satisfies when you can say 'hey, they are fighting terrorists... right?.. oh right... its worth it..." but who has the right to label anyone or any thing as a 'terrorist' .. and then justify a bullet in his head.... Just cause you are democracy...and the people in Palestine never had the circumstances to have one. I hope, each and everyone of us, just for a minute, place our lives in the city of Gaza...and imagine the living, and see if we don't end up hating Israel ... .or USA for that matter. Its easy to say that death of 300 children worth it when we are sitting in the safty of our homes... but I have a concious.... every time I see my little nephew, I see a dead Palestinain kid...and I think that it could have happened to this little living kid that I love so much.... and then I see why ... just why.. even I wouldn't do anything like a suicide mission.. to just fire few bullets inside Israel.

My idea is for peace ...and for the freedom of the people of Gaza...and for a well established soverign , independent and safe State of Israel ...and for its people (people, i say... not Jews or Christian... I am talking from the humanitarian point of view).... but I will raise awarnes about Israel's war crimes... and the occupation of Palestine.

I am really really disappointed the way world has come down to... so much apathy .... people don't mind what their Govt is supporting or where there tax money is going...

A father is holding his dead kid...and you call it 'propaganda'... Shame on you.

You will know how unimaginably it would hurt to hold your still kid. I have tried to imagine it..., and it is excruciating.... I won't chose it for anyone... let it be a Muslim, Jew , Chiritain... or what ever.... I won't.
I want peace... but in between all this apathy.... I am loosing hope.

02-02-2009, 12:08 PM
someone reflecting on some pictures with palestenian swastikas and antijewish http://www.boycottisraeligoods.org/modules11748.php from lefty assholes?

First of all, stop making war against jews and Israel since the arabs pact with Nazi-Germany!
When you like dealing with pictures to demonize jews as nazis, and this is a stupid reflection, show at antijewish pictures on walls in arabs land!
Please keep in mind the history and facts of antisemitism!

"Nazi Punks - Fuck Off!!" [D-K]

02-02-2009, 01:25 PM
First of all... please don't generalize me ... i am not 'they'... i have expressed my opinion... and you seem to have drifted in your picture of the whole 'arab land'. Did i say I was Arab?..... I said 'humanitarian'... I am sick and tired of all the historical hate and warefare myself.

Having said that, yes... I agree with you... in most of the 'Muslim world' .. people hate Israel... but that is not for their being jewish ... but what they are doing to the people of Palestine. As we speak, you may not know but there may be some Palestinians dying...and well, this is a hard thing for even me...and for the whole muslim world.

My plea...and the attention I am trying to draw... is towards the fact that there are war crimes happening as we speak... I know there is a history .... but I am not the one who is going to use it to justify the wrong happening today. At least acknowledge that there is a massacare taking place in Gaza....

02-02-2009, 02:15 PM
First of all... please don't generalize me ... i am not 'they'... i have expressed my opinion... and you seem to have drifted in your picture of the whole 'arab land'. Did i say I was Arab?..... I said 'humanitarian'... I am sick and tired of all the historical hate and warefare myself.

Having said that, yes... I agree with you... in most of the 'Muslim world' .. people hate Israel... but that is not for their being jewish ... but what they are doing to the people of Palestine. As we speak, you may not know but there may be some Palestinians dying...and well, this is a hard thing for even me...and for the whole muslim world.

My plea...and the attention I am trying to draw... is towards the fact that there are war crimes happening as we speak... I know there is a history .... but I am not the one who is going to use it to justify the wrong happening today. At least acknowledge that there is a massacare taking place in Gaza....
First of all... please don't generalize me ... i am not 'they'... i have expressed my opinion... and you seem to have drifted in your picture of the whole 'arab land'. Did i say I was Arab?..... I said 'humanitarian'... I am sick and tired of all the historical hate and warefare myself.

Having said that, yes... I agree with you... in most of the 'Muslim world' .. people hate Israel... but that is not for their being jewish ... but what they are doing to the people of Palestine. As we speak, you may not know but there may be some Palestinians dying...and well, this is a hard thing for even me...and for the whole muslim world.

My plea...and the attention I am trying to draw... is towards the fact that there are war crimes happening as we speak... I know there is a history .... but I am not the one who is going to use it to justify the wrong happening today. At least acknowledge that there is a massacare taking place in Gaza....
Okay, let me say that I don´t hate anyone here in OUR forum, YOURS, OTHERS and me; I don´t hate you, I don´t hate others: but I don´t like people who are putting some pictures from Gaza to feed some affects, when you people are not in consciousness about what really happens there in the Near-East.
We can roll up the history, of course, the displace of jewish settlers by israelian forces in the period of Ariel Sharon because of the international pressure against Israel since 1982, we can reflect upon Mogadischu and Landshut and Munich 1972, we can talk about many things!
We can talk between palestenians and jews, but all senses are against jews and Israel as it ever was in Jesus for your life and muslims´ spoken "rights".

You one does not live in Israel, not in Syria.
You one have your soldiers to submit the states.

Then you will see, and what you will see, will open your mind.
Possibly not in yours direction of thoughts nowadays.

Oil-Thinking is so wrestling and wrestling with the arabs against Israel, huh-huh!

02-02-2009, 03:04 PM
^ I take your point.... I still remember those images from the news ...of bulldozers crashing Jewish settlement houses...and trust me... it was a painful sight..... I am not saying I agree with the settlements... but even then, it was a painful sight... I saw Israeli people crying... it was painful.... On the other hand, everyday, I see Palestinian homes turning in to rubble ... that pains me too...

And it really is International pressure (of some what degree) that is holding Israel back.... or God knows what they will do. You saw just a few years back what they did to Lebanon...if I am not wrong, it started with the kidnap of Israeli soliders... but it ended up in killing thousands of Lebanese and disturction of cities. Though, Isreal regularly takes in to custody thousands of Palestinians... I don't see how that is different. The problem is Isreal has grown more powerful ...and it can also corrupt the senses..... Dont' tell me thousands of civilians who died in Lebanon... and cities distructed, don't tell me it was all worth it and justified.


This is not the way to exist.... not for anyone. How much land does Isreal needs.... Occupation and creation of settlements and paying people to live there.... this is not from this worlds... or is it? But my origninal point was to highlight the fact that there are serious war crimes happening... and they need to be criticized....

02-02-2009, 03:25 PM
I take your point with Mr. Conductor Daniel Barenboim, that Israel is very powerful because of the military strength. Lebanon has been enabled to join peace because its corrupted law by the terrorists in his hosts, and when the government is corrupted by terrorists against Israel and on the other hand shows mercy for democracy, what effects following for the west of the world by the people?
:eek: :wtf:

"What you´re really thinking when you try" [Salsa]

How can it be, that an palestine arabian person is a minister in Israel? How can it be that democracy is in Israel, and why can it be, that democracy in Israel is attacked by german assholes like "Junge Welt", "NPD" and german middle-class-people who think what is thinkable because they are not studied thinkers who like to eat what dogs fressen??!!

02-02-2009, 04:55 PM
^ After years and years of war and occupation, poverty...and no civil rights.. contineous slavery...and abudction without any reason or answer...., how can you expect those people to believe in democracy for their solutions... they eventually will go with the people who are doing at least something... let it be terrorism ( I am sorry to say)... but 'hate' alone can change everything... and all Israel has done in the past is to feed more and more hatred... its hands are not clean at all. I try myself not to let Hate take over me...

Just a personal opinion... but over time, I have come to dislike two things tremendously
1- Patriotism
2- People believing that because they belong to certain blood or religion is going to take them to heaven. .... (superiority complex)

Fuck Patriotism where people at both sides of the argument / war / fence accepts something to be okay only if they are doing it...not acknowleding that the person on the other side is fueled with the same patriotism ... or should I say 'blind patriotism'... Blind love for one's own country has caused nothing but wars.

...and fuck love of one's own blood and no care if its someone else's spill... God created everyone equal...and gave them equal chance to find HIM. HE, shall alone, take life...and give life... unless people are in a battle field. Killing of innocent people, disrupting property and environment are sever sins... including suicide bombing.... even keeping hatered in ones heart is a sin...
In war, there is nothing right...

... all I intended with this post was to bring to the attention, to this little community.... of the sever hate crimes that are being conducted in GAZA... and there is no denying it. You may argue on Israel's part... defend it... but no one can justify what is happening in GAZA.... These are sever war crimes.

02-02-2009, 09:00 PM
There was once a peaceful co-igsistance in this region. I think government theocracy and blind patriotism is most of the problem.

02-05-2009, 01:41 PM
„Fuck THIS and fuck THAT, fucking all the fuckers on a fucking bred!“ [John Lydon]

I have seen the movie „The Patriot“, and real patriotism means to protect your family in your own lovely househood against any destructions from the outside, meaning both sides, the destruction against your own househood from people around your neighbourhood to declare war from your land to another; and the destruction from another land to yours.

You can imagine that destruction in both sides always happens on earth in the human history, but it is given into your own househood to decide, in which relationship your family should have to stand for protection in your own land as well as to your family, when a state stands up for ALL families in his househood, and stands up for protection for other lands to join into protections for ALL families in each folk around the earth.
BUT on the other hand, people IN a state like to fuck against enemies, which THEY decide to be enemied.

02-05-2009, 09:16 PM
You are excused.

02-06-2009, 11:58 AM
„Fuck THIS and fuck THAT, fucking all the fuckers on a fucking bred!“ [John Lydon]

I have seen the movie „The Patriot“, and real patriotism means to protect your family in your own lovely househood against any destructions from the outside, meaning both sides, the destruction against your own househood from people around your neighbourhood to declare war from your land to another; and the destruction from another land to yours.

You can imagine that destruction in both sides always happens on earth in the human history, but it is given into your own househood to decide, in which relationship your family should have to stand for protection in your own land as well as to your family, when a state stands up for ALL families in his househood, and stands up for protection for other lands to join into protections for ALL families in each folk around the earth.
BUT on the other hand, people IN a state like to fuck against enemies, which THEY decide to be enemied.

This is really sad. When your home, or the home of your countrymen means more to you that you don't see any injustice .... when right or wrong cease to exist but what starts to matter is who is yours ...and who is not.

I am thankful that I don't share your views.

02-06-2009, 01:00 PM
... and you talked about the movie 'Patriot'... well, do you really know what that movie is about... or the movie 'brave heart', for that matter if you are a Mel Gibson fan, but to be very honest, these movies are about standing against occupation.... that occupation and slavery is unacceptable. In these movies, they show that if you don't have an army or a Gov't to protect you, what you do is that you fight back with what you have got. You don't take off your pants and stand naked in your garden so that the enemy comes and f*** you up...and then probably leave you and your wife and children alive. If you have an ounce of what it takes to be a man, what you do is that you fight against oppression and occupation. That is what is shown in these movies... that even if you are weak, even then occupation and injustice is unacceptable. Thats what, on the same principle, the people of Palestine are doing, they don't have any army but an occupier who is high and mighty .. but they are fighting with what they have got.

To say that one side has got a collective force 'army' doesn't really makes them right.

Occupation must go!

And I hope you stop trying to justify the massacre of Gaza with one sided and biased views. I repeat, my only objective of poting this thread was to highlight the extreme war crimes that are happning in GAZA at the moment... innocent are dying...and more angry people are increasing. This is not the way to live.

02-07-2009, 09:13 AM
This is really sad. When your home, or the home of your countrymen means more to you that you don't see any injustice .... when right or wrong cease to exist but what starts to matter is who is yours ...and who is not.

I am thankful that I don't share your views.

Do you really think that the palestinean "government" of Hamas against Fatah are standing behind families in Gaza? Just to protect or to use them as shields for their wars?

02-07-2009, 10:42 AM
To say that one side has got a collective force 'army' doesn't really makes them right.

Occupation must go!

This is your interpretation against Israel, calling jews as occupationers in a national arabs land. Ariel Sharon was going to be weak as he was extorted by the international states to fight against his own folk, but this is not a fault of Ariel Sharon, but a great mistake of interpretations since birthrights of jews in their existence in british Palestine.

Sometimes I think that armies are good to protect people from wars, even when other lands around are more weaken in diplomacy, people should respect each other, but antisemitism has been ever against jews before 1948 and since then.

However, there are some good politicians from Egypt for Israel, Sadat for instance, but there are many wars going out from arabs land as well, and they are not weaken in Africa for instance. Military States attracting more attentions than weaken states of military, and the "Kindchenschema" works for communists and socialists to stir up people against another. This is war as well, done by people who like "Kindchenschema".

However, one real scotsman wisdomly will stand up for Israel.

02-07-2009, 12:38 PM
Do you really think that the palestinean "government" of Hamas against Fatah are standing behind families in Gaza? Just to protect or to use them as shields for their wars?

So, your saying, that when Israel drops bomb on civilian areas.... what they really expect is that all 'good' people are already out of hte city and those in their homes are locked inside because Hamas or whatever is using them as human shield?... When a bomb drops in a CIVILIAN area... it kills... CIVILIANS.

I never said, Hamas... or XYZ is the representative of the people of Palestine... but under occupation, and when Israel does all it can not to let any Govt stay stable... 'faction' like Hamas, combined by angry people, become famous...

And well.. 'interpretations' can be different...and everyone has the right to chose their own ... so you should know that quoting any 'Movie' don't prove anything... GROUND FACTS do...and what is on the ground is deaths of hundreds of poor people, mostly Women and Children... and its been happening for far too long now.... These people have lived in this land for centuries... and they have the right to exist... just like the people (Again, I say PEOPLE, not JEWS) of Israel has the right to live in peace and security.

Massacre's must stop... Occupation must go!

02-07-2009, 12:48 PM
So, your saying, that when Israel drops bomb on civilian areas.... what they really expect is that all 'good' people are already out of hte city and those in their homes are locked inside because Hamas or whatever is using them as human shield?... When a bomb drops in a CIVILIAN area... it kills... CIVILIANS.

I never said, Hamas... or XYZ is the representative of the people of Palestine... but under occupation, and when Israel does all it can not to let any Govt stay stable... 'faction' like Hamas, combined by angry people, become famous...

And well.. 'interpretations' can be different...and everyone has the right to chose their own ... so you should know that quoting any 'Movie' don't prove anything... GROUND FACTS do...and what is on the ground is deaths of hundreds of poor people, mostly Women and Children... and its been happening for far too long now.... These people have lived in this land for centuries... and they have the right to exist... just like the people (Again, I say PEOPLE, not JEWS) of Israel has the right to live in peace and security.

Massacre's must stop... Occupation must go!

Yes, massacres have to stop, always around the earth, even when all senses and evil eyes are concentrated on Israel.

I think it is okay when you write sth., yours is set up in democracy, and not in weaker without any.

02-07-2009, 01:20 PM
let do propaganda with children. I don't say died children is wrong but still terrorist should be wiped away!

hey..how old are you? do you have a heart ? and mind? do you know that world is bigger than your biased thoughts??? what do you REALLY know about Palestine?? Only waht you read in papers???

sorry for my words here ...i m not like this ....but your post calling ' dead children propaganda ' is too much !!!!!!!

02-07-2009, 02:50 PM
hey..how old are you? do you have a heart ? and mind? do you know that world is bigger than your biased thoughts??? what do you REALLY know about Palestine?? Only waht you read in papers???

sorry for my words here ...i m not like this ....but your post calling ' dead children propaganda ' is too much !!!!!!!
Yes, propaganda papers against Israel are really good working for the "Kindchenschema" by the lefties.

When "Holocaust"-pictures already done, some newer pictures nowadays making history weaker.

In Israel you have no concentration-camps against arabs, even when some non-jews wish to have them in the near-east-conflict for their arguments against Israel!


02-07-2009, 03:35 PM
Yes, propaganda papers against Israel are really good working for the "Kindchenschema" by the lefties.

When "Holocaust"-pictures already done, some newer pictures nowadays making history weaker.

In Israel you have no concentration-camps against arabs, even when some non-jews wish to have them in the near-east-conflict for their arguments against Israel!


Being myself a History teacher , i reall have a good knowledge about Holocaust and Palestine without biased interpretations....but im really sick of Israel playing a role of eternal victim...

02-07-2009, 03:45 PM
Being myself a History teacher , i reall have a good knowledge about Holocaust and Palestine without biased interpretations....but im really sick of Israel playing a role of eternal victim...
Do you really think as a history teacher, that you can teach in any cases of history leaving many points for Israel out, when you solve your "Kindchenschema" for the arabs with their hate against jews?

How can you teach anyway as a history teacher to compare nationalsocialism with democracy in Israel?


02-07-2009, 04:18 PM
:mad1: :mad1: :mad1:
a teacher of history against jews and Israel:


02-08-2009, 05:59 AM
:mad1: :mad1: :mad1:
a teacher of history against jews and Israel:


Dude, for once... can you place 'JEWS' and 'Muslim' or 'Arab' categorization aside, ... my point was to highlight the killing of innocent people in GAZA.... and that it must be stopped, condemned...and never happen again.

This is from Sky News..

02-08-2009, 10:23 AM
Dude, for once... can you place 'JEWS' and 'Muslim' or 'Arab' categorization aside, ... my point was to highlight the killing of innocent people in GAZA.... and that it must be stopped, condemned...and never happen again.

This is from Sky News..
:hugs: :hugs: Everybody wants to highlight their views with this matter Sakizopia wanted to highlight his too Let Me Highlight Mine :smokin: Be Cool And Let Peace Come With Everybodys Opion Anger And Views and points because these outburst has got everybody emotions running So Lets Just Try To Listen Each Other And Support whats going on in the inside With These Wars Loves Ya And Your Right It should,nt happen again Loves Ya,s :peacelove

02-08-2009, 02:56 PM
don't know if I articulated right...dying children IS wrong...but still all war starts with people fucking to each others. Violence doesn't solve anything but it stops fucking around. in past when nation was occupied they go along with it and waited for another to come and occupie or release them. nowadays ppl keep fighting back and not living in peace even though they could still live as 1 under some other surveillance...(cheack finlands history)

02-08-2009, 08:44 PM
i know it like billy joel the great piano man we did,nt start the fire Seeing Such A Slaughter Like That its a wake up call to the mind heart and soul and our best weapon of defense Is To Pray For Those Casulties i,ll check out finland when time permits

02-13-2009, 01:51 PM
Billy Joels music is balsam as well, and I think as a guest as good persons are. However, I have reflected into many points:

When you feed with pictures a dead palestinean child against jews, just to let everyone know that a dead palestinean life is more senseful for your arguments against Israel; and otherwise ignore pictures from dead jewish children in Israel cause of the attacks from the antiisraelian arabs, you are an antisemite, just to use pictures to be against Israel like Nazi Punks.

Yes I am a nonstudied german, and this is my own failure against my own life, but I am able to see through life and history in its senses, that all life needs protection not from a nation, not from an idealism in politics, but people need protection in their believe to another, that life is worthful because of its builder, and the earth is a worthful life in places because of humans they should be as guests on earth to manage her life for theirs and other life being built in its.

Israel has its birthright on earth as well as each other life on earth. Accept my statement and be my guest of our earth.

pow-wow brother, even when "in pools of maroon below"!:rockout:

02-14-2009, 07:17 AM
:mad1: :mad1: :mad1:
a teacher of history against jews and Israel:


hey hey heyyyyyy!!!!!!!!! I NEVER SAID I WAS AGAINST JEWS!!!!!!!!! DONT PUT FALSE WORDS IN MY MOUTH!!!!!!!!! OK??



WHAT I SAID IS THAT IM SICK AND ILL REPEAT THIS: IM SICKKKK OF ISRAEL < WHICH MEANS GOVERNEMENT !!!!!!!!!!! LEADERS !!!!!! TheiACTS!!!!! THEIR WORDS!!!!!Like they were victims!!!!!! Like they dont have part in this VIOLENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!






02-14-2009, 07:20 AM
don't know if I articulated right...dying children IS wrong...but still all war starts with people fucking to each others. Violence doesn't solve anything but it stops fucking around. in past when nation was occupied they go along with it and waited for another to come and occupie or release them. nowadays ppl keep fighting back and not living in peace even though they could still live as 1 under some other surveillance...(cheack finlands history)

And the sad part is this wont ever end!!!!!!!!!

02-20-2009, 04:58 PM
All world is crazy of jews because of Israel. Because of the name „jews“, and its softly sound in ears like chewing gum to everyones´ mouth, like „Gummibärchen“ in Germany, because they are not so tough as jews, in reality. I think we have a global collapse of transporting holocaust against Israel all around the world.

Ok, I am sorry, to set my statements like these against others. I am a nonjewish german, I am just protecting Israel.
This is my first instinction.
I have to think about many statements, so better using is to point out the emotions.

On one hand is shown the instrumentalism of the holocaust. In my own language I call it the "höllekotz" [transl. "hell in vomits"]. Jews calling holocaust as shoah [hebr. Genozid].
I like to discuss the relationship between genozid in Nazi-Germany and what happens in Gaza and in Near-East.

Norman Finkelstein has built the definition of instrumentizing the holocaust against PalArabs, but let me say to you people when Holocaust is just a crime as a crime like others, you instrumentize a crime of israelian soldiers bigger than the genozid against jews from Nazi-Germany!
People have to notice, that wars from arabs against jews were before Nazi-Germany has been built, and wars also made by jews to protect their culture in their region. But the Nazis brought more wars against the orient than a british or an american ever could built in theirs.

The german Nazis brought their thoughts of antijewism in the arabian regions, although arabian antijewism ever was. Because the german nazis saw the effections to bring "The Protocols of Wises from Zion", every arab has been scheduled to hate any jew because of reproaches to control the whole world against the "arier" [arisch: antic indogerman language, which has nothing to do with blood and physiology of humans].

German Lefties like "Die Linke" and "Junge Welt" like to see jews in Israel to be punished from the arabs [gerne auch per Anzeige aus Deutschland gegen meine Person!] just to see their holy Red Army Fraction as the best Institution to solve the israelian problem to put out a jewish problem from theirselfes and let everyone know how good they are standing to the german history, Entebbe 1976, Munich 1972 for example.
To let people know, that one peace in their own land means to solve peace on earth while letting russians rockets against Europe standing.

02-20-2009, 07:24 PM
The element of the difference in both sides approach to God can't be left out. Since I can't imagine either side changing their core beliefs it's going to be very difficult to ensure a lasting peace. The extreme fundamentalists always lash out and attack.

02-20-2009, 07:48 PM
So, your saying, that when Israel drops bomb on civilian areas.... what they really expect is that all 'good' people are already out of hte city and those in their homes are locked inside because Hamas or whatever is using them as human shield?... When a bomb drops in a CIVILIAN area... it kills... CIVILIANS.

When you call the hate against Israel should be legatimized by rockets from Palestine and Libanon, and you say this is legitime, because israelis are occupasioners, who shall go to WHERE or WHAT???

02-20-2009, 07:54 PM
The element of the difference in both sides approach to God can't be left out. Since I can't imagine either side changing their core beliefs it's going to be very difficult to ensure a lasting peace. The extreme fundamentalists always lash out and attack.
Yes, I do agree. There are better critics in Israel against the politics as in arabs lands, in Europe and in America.
But I understand the measure of Israel, to save their small land against an almost bigger arabian land, who uses Gaza as buffer-zone, to use people to shoot against each other, is the crime on both sides. Israel should annect Gaza to divide good civilians from arabian terrorists against Israel.

My point.

and at least I like their "Hallelu-Yah" in their beginning, listen:

02-20-2009, 09:11 PM
When I mention extreme fundamentalists I mean the government of Iran and people who share the belief that Isrealies are apes and should be forced out into the ocean. I don't beleive every person in Isreals neighboring countries feel this way yet they get cought in the crossfire. When extremists strike Isreal and it's people(including children), Isreal fires back and innocent people and CHILDREN are killed.
The question of "wich side is righteous?", is too difficult to answer when looking at the civilian life lost on both sides.

02-20-2009, 09:29 PM
When I mention extreme fundamentalists I mean the government of Iran and people who share the belief that Isrealies are apes and should be forced out into the ocean. I don't beleive every person in Isreals neighboring countries feel this way yet they get cought in the crossfire. When extremists strike Isreal and it's people(including children), Isreal fires back and innocent people and CHILDREN are killed.
The question of "wich side is righteous?", is too difficult to answer when looking at the civilian life lost on both sides.

Okay. Now YOU are the one who is excused in the same way of the first sense in the blogs meaning.
However. I do not like to judge. I am going for protection.
As a german I do not follow any fundamental attitude of "lefties" or "righties", but I am going for looking into the history of facts.

02-20-2009, 09:33 PM
Okay. Now YOU are the one who is excused in the same way of the first sense in the blogs meaning.
However. I do not like to judge. I am going for protection.
As a german I do not follow any fundamental attitude of "lefties" or "righties", but I am going for looking into the history of facts.

I'm interested in what you'll find out studying the history of this conflict.

02-21-2009, 05:07 AM

It seems like you are bothered by what Germans did to Jews, the whole world agrees that what happend in those concentrations camps was wrong... ask any religion, region... cast...or creed...and they will say it was wrong... Just like people say Nagasaki was a mistake.....

It seems like you are trying to find a larger picture, by blaming or connecting Arabs (I don't really know what the term 'Arab' really defines .. Am I an Arab too? Anyway.)... with the bigger fault...and finding some relief for your concious....

I am talking about protection of JEWS...and MUSLIMS... or more appropriately "PEOPLE".... so please don't pick isolated strips from history to justify killing of one people ... by the hand of others.... This all has to stop....

I am baffled, most of the time, to see that if one person / Nation has suffered some kind of pain, and they very well know how much it hurts, . .I don't understand how can the same person / Nation inflict the same pain on someone else...

GAZA is a present day concentration camp.... Inflicted by the same people who collect sypathies from all over the world for being victims of the same crime.......and dont you deny this... no body can. May be 100 years down the line, people will count Holocaust, Nagasaki, 9/11, and GAZA ... (with all the war crimes in Vietnam, Russia, India, Pakistan, IRaq...and mostly AFghansitan) in the same line up. Killing is not the solution to anything. And it saddnes me to see that people justify Israel's brutal actions against some dozens of rockets fired till to date .... where as Israel fires hundreds in a week and kills thousands in a month.Who is reacting, and who is initiating, I don't really think that matters any more as it has been plenty of years...and no one is left with clean hands.

But my point was to highlight what is happening in present day Gaza.... its not any less than a concentration camp...and if no one else in the world could, the nation of Israel might have understood just what pain the peope of Gaza are suffering, as they have a history with concerntatioln camps... but funny hting is, Isreal itself is the inductor of this concentration camp.

The killing of poor, defenceless people must stop!.. No one in this world can be denied of existance, and I don't care what extermist minds thinks, I only know what they think is WRONG...and I won't use the existance of 'extermist mentality' to justify a crime.
Freedom is the birth right of every single human being.

Occupation must Stop!

02-21-2009, 10:36 AM
^Well said Bilal. I'm concerned that level of aggression will worsen because of Iran's advancing nuclear program.

02-23-2009, 08:49 PM
^Well said Bilal. I'm concerned that level of aggression will worsen because of Iran's advancing nuclear program.
Hey Hey AMEN those Dudes Advance all advance in weapons of defense and advancing more so that something everybody may on a keep it mind

02-24-2009, 11:39 AM
Oh yes yes yes.
I like this board very very much!
Of course I meant not at least but at last!

At one hand people are sick of watching pictures from dead jews in history, on the other hand pictures of dead palestines doing fine to fight against Israel. This is how new antisemitism is working fine for the dogs on roads for the left vulgarities, and their heal is coming from the antijews, and indeed there are many memberships i nsocial parties. Some of them them call themselves "christians".

As you read this, you might see just the affections I am concerning at. This is just one part in one direction of interpretations.
But traffic works fine in both directions, even in a simulation!

Many jews in Israel perform to protect hate against Israel.
Some arabs in Israel perform to demonstrate against Israel.
Many arabs out of Israel hate and fight against Israel.
Lefties and Righties doing the same out of Israel.
They like to throw stones as done in history.
Apes are history in the making of "intelligent politics".
This is how "democracy" works in low level arts!

02-24-2009, 12:03 PM

GAZA is a present day concentration camp.... Inflicted by the same people who collect sypathies from all over the world for being victims of the same crime.......and dont you deny this... no body can. May be 100 years down the line, people will count Holocaust, Nagasaki, 9/11, and GAZA ... (with all the war crimes in Vietnam, Russia, India, Pakistan, IRaq...and mostly AFghansitan) in the same line up. Killing is not the solution to anything. And it saddnes me to see that people justify Israel's brutal actions against some dozens of rockets fired till to date .... where as Israel fires hundreds in a week and kills thousands in a month.Who is reacting, and who is initiating, I don't really think that matters any more as it has been plenty of years...and no one is left with clean hands.

But my point was to highlight what is happening in present day Gaza.... its not any less than a concentration camp...and if no one else in the world could, the nation of Israel might have understood just what pain the peope of Gaza are suffering, as they have a history with concerntatioln camps... but funny hting is, Isreal itself is the inductor of this concentration camp.

The killing of poor, defenceless people must stop!.. No one in this world can be denied of existance, and I don't care what extermist minds thinks, I only know what they think is WRONG...and I won't use the existance of 'extermist mentality' to justify a crime.
Freedom is the birth right of every single human being.

Occupation must Stop!

Hi. Concentration camps as built in Nazi-Germany and from the membership of nationalsocialism is totally different to what happens in Gaza. No arabian civilian is tormented to pull off his clothes and walking into death by gas or fire. Gaza is what arabian states left behind for Israel, letting the whole world know, how bad jews are nowadays, because they had to take with the brave scotts and britains their land with war against the arabs against the nazis.

When you call Gaza as a concentration camp, you are responsible to say which side has built them! The arabs with their "Protocols of Wises from Zion" or the jewish state Israel.
You can call me "Misconception", but you have to reflect on both sides of history! Even in the point of facts, that the german nazi Alois Brunner living in arabian Syria. This saying it all.