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Old 09-10-2006, 01:28 PM   #1
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Creed - The movie

I just want to start up the movie-thread cuz I can't find it anymore....

Creed's story is a one of a kind story in my eyes. I really believe that there could be made a great movie out of it. I can see a opening scene where a guy sits at home, drunk and down, with two mp5 (or something like that) in his hand, putting it to his head before he sees the picture of his son on the wall....like Stapp told in the Rolling Stone-interview. From there we go back in time to the very beginning with the first recording, the first photoshoot in front of the train passing by, the first time ever aired on radio and so on.

Creed sold like 50 mill albums and filled up arenas all over the country, but were hated by the media.
This movie should be an example on how this really can effect a persons mind and what really happens on the rockn'roll-road, cuz Creeds not the only band to experience that!

I saw Miami Vice yesterday and I'm in no doubt that Colin Farrell is the man to play Stapp!

So what do you guys think!?
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Old 09-10-2006, 01:38 PM   #2
The Lithium
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Re: Creed - The movie

Actually that is not a bad beginning for a movie. And the story is actually one of a kind. You know, at first NOTHING goes their way then they put all of their eggs in one basket and sign with Wind-Up. And they get world-wide famous but torn apart from the inside. Not bad actually, not bad at all. I wounder who's gonna write the script!
//The Lithium - www.myspace.com/thelithium

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Old 09-10-2006, 02:58 PM   #3
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Re: Creed - The movie

damn, that would be a great movie. id see it, but i doubt it'll ever happen mostly because its a movie about creed.
I really have nothing to say
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Old 09-10-2006, 03:46 PM   #4
The Lithium
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Re: Creed - The movie

It could be about a rock band, based in Creed. But you already got Rock Star and Almost Famous, so it's not that original. And as a writer you always wanna be orignal.
//The Lithium - www.myspace.com/thelithium

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Old 09-10-2006, 04:14 PM   #5
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Re: Creed - The movie

or how about this begining.......instead of the one mentioned in the begining......

a guys is shredding like no-one else,..... so stunning and emaculate.......with one leg on top of the amp.......and a very soundful, profounding, truely amazing singer by his side........and a drop of swet slides from his forehead.....camera catches it in slow motion, the falling drop of sweat.....and it makes its way down , on to the floor......and breaks in to many tiny sprinkles.......the guitarist makes his final riff....and makes the rockon sign to the crowd of thousands.....and then looks down.....breathing heavily...and smiles......a smile of satisfaction......and looks over his shoulder.....and then a camera flash shoots from the crowd takeing the story into the past.......to a journey of how this person setout ot find the real.......

Last edited by bilal : 09-10-2006 at 04:20 PM.
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Old 09-10-2006, 04:52 PM   #6
The Lithium
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Re: Creed - The movie

The first beginning sounds more exciting... Sorry man!
//The Lithium - www.myspace.com/thelithium

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Old 09-10-2006, 05:20 PM   #7
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Re: Creed - The movie

^ sure it is.... the only reason why i gave or tried to gave a secound version is because the first begining appears to be more Stappish and kind of Anti Tremontish...... hey...i am sure if there is ever goan be a movie about cReed..... be it better neutral.......cause no matter how much the blame be placed on any member....creed was an entity consisting of all the guys....and not just stapp
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Old 09-10-2006, 06:19 PM   #8
The Lithium
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Re: Creed - The movie

Actually I think it's a good idea making the movie with Stapp as the main charactar. Of course the script should be objective. And the reason I think so is the beginning with Stapp is sounds very interesting. Plus I'd love to hear Stapp tell us a little about his past, etc. No matter if you like the guy or not - he has an AMAZING life story to tell and I think you should build the movie around that.

None of this has to be anti-Tremonti or anti-Alter Bridge. But Stapp is the most interesting person to build this movie around since he was always in the spot light, wether he liked it or not.
//The Lithium - www.myspace.com/thelithium

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Old 09-10-2006, 06:26 PM   #9
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Re: Creed - The movie

^ yeh.... your right... cant argue with that..... but i guess a movie based on STapp's life should be done when he has lived most of his life.... i mean... the guy is still in making (and breaking) .....may be a Documentary might do for now
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Old 09-10-2006, 06:47 PM   #10
The Lithium
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Re: Creed - The movie

I'm not sure if it should invole Stapp's whole life, I think the Creed years would be quite enough. And maybe it ends with him entering the stage on his opening night of his The Great Divide tour. But that way you'd have to bring in Alter Bridge too.
//The Lithium - www.myspace.com/thelithium

"take care of yourselves.
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Old 09-10-2006, 06:51 PM   #11
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Re: Creed - The movie

No no no....this movie's never gonna be anti-Tremonti or anti-Phillips or anti-Marshall! It's just gonna tell the story about the band and how the lead-singer got sick of the pressure from everybody despite their huge success.....the only people that will be put in a dark light are the rocknroll-doctors, tour managers, crew, media and maybe other angry musicans like Durst and Pearl Jam (?) who were so jealous about their quick road to the top...

My wish is Farrell as Stapp, Ron Howard as director, Brian Grazer as producer....any other ideas!?
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Old 09-10-2006, 06:58 PM   #12
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Re: Creed - The movie

A Creed movie would be fecking awesome.
What you guys have all mentioned would be ace.
I deifntly think Colin Farell would be a good Stapp..
Who would play Tremo though ?
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Old 09-10-2006, 07:49 PM   #13
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Re: Creed - The movie

Quote: (Originally Posted by GregS) A Creed movie would be fecking awesome.
What you guys have all mentioned would be ace.
I deifntly think Colin Farell would be a good Stapp..
Who would play Tremo though ?

I think that a Creed movie would be excellent. How many bands have garnered more opinions - positive or negative - over the last 10 (or more) years than Creed?

Their story is pure Hollywood. They came from nothing to become one of the biggest selling bands of the last 20 years. They all, Scott especially, have interesting stories pre-Creed and then you have their acrimonious seperation.

Collin Farrell would be perfect as Stapp. As for Tremo, I will pitch a relatively unknown name. One of my favourite programs growing up was California Dreams. There was a character called Jake who played lead guitar (he also plays in real life). The actor was a guy called Jay Anthony-Franke. He's the first guy I could think of.

I found a few pictures of him from a website. The first one looks like an early Tremo.


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Old 09-10-2006, 10:50 PM   #14
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Re: Creed - The movie

Quote: (Originally Posted by The Lithium) I'm not sure if it should invole Stapp's whole life, I think the Creed years would be quite enough. And maybe it ends with him entering the stage on his opening night of his The Great Divide tour. But that way you'd have to bring in Alter Bridge too.
Now would be a good time to do,er If They Wanna do A movie, other than that i have no Comment
I Indeed Babtize you with water BUT ONE Mightier Than I Cometh The Latchet Of Whose Shoes I,am Not Worthy To Unloose He Shall Babtize You With The Holy Ghost And With FIREEEEEEEEEE John The Babtist You Never Count Your Money When YOUR Sittin At The Table There Will Be Time Enough To Count,em When The Dealings Done
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Old 09-11-2006, 09:18 AM   #15
bobben's Avatar
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Re: Creed - The movie

Quote: (Originally Posted by Robin101) Collin Farrell would be perfect as Stapp. As for Tremo, I will pitch a relatively unknown name. One of my favourite programs growing up was California Dreams. There was a character called Jake who played lead guitar (he also plays in real life). The actor was a guy called Jay Anthony-Franke. He's the first guy I could think of.

That's a good idea... Just like in Walk The Line! Johnny Cash's bandmembers in that movie are all unknown people that could either sing or play an instrument!
If not, then the Creed-movie must be made without any music being played...
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