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Old 01-21-2017, 02:10 PM   #1
the iron horse
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Thoughts on Trump's Speech

Some thoughts on Trump's speech:

First, a movie it brought to mind.....

Jefferson Smith:The point is, sir, they're right. I'm just sitting in the Senate decorating a chair. Now, if-if I'm going to vote, I at least ought to try and study some of the bills that are coming up.

Senator Joseph Paine: The bills?

Jefferson Smith: Well, yes sir. Otherwise, I'm just a Christmas tiger, like they said.

Senator Joseph Paine: Jeff, these bills are put together by legal minds, after long study. Why, I-I-I can't understand ha-half of them myself - and I used to be a lawyer. Now, come on, forget it. When the time comes, I'll advise you how to vote.

~from the film Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)

On January 29th 20016, Mr. Trump came to Washington and stuck it to the out-of-touch closed elite that acts on behalf of its own interests. The corrupt dominant elites (usually the orthodox politicians) and their camp followers (usually the rich and the intellectuals).

Trump’s speech was refreshingly unsophisticated. Unlike Obama’s speeches that railed on and on like an extended Grateful Dead song with a 40 minute jam session in between the drum solos. Trump’s speech was like a two minute Ramone’s song. He was direct and to the point. Almost half of his speech sounded like a Bernie Sander’s speech.

It rattled them. Seconds after it was over the mainstream media immediately jumped on it as crude, dark and unsophisticated speech, Chris Matthews called it Hitlerian. The Chicken Littles were all over scrambling to declare the end is near.

They still don’t it.

Trump is not a Democrat or a Republican. He is not a conservative or a liberal.

He is a populist who understands that many Americans are sick and tired of the clowns in Washington. They want stuff done. They are sick of clowns trying to divide us and talking down to us.

Now finally a guy comes along and points all this garbage out and says he is going to help set a different agenda. He is going to give the power back to the we the people and work for us.

The tone in Washington is changing fast.

Looking forward to seeing how it goes.
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Old 07-11-2017, 03:45 PM   #2
Forum Diplomat
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Re: Thoughts on Trump's Speech

I didn't watch. It's the first Inauguration speech I've ever skipped. I have loathed the Orange Menace since the '80s (yeah, I'm old, hehe), and he has nothing but his own self-interest at heart -- which makes him like just about every other politician/rich person/1 percenter. To me, he is nothing but a con man. He goes which ever way the wind blows, as long as it benefits him. Plus, he is a despicable person with his attitude toward women, minorities and anyone who isn't like him. I agree that Washington is a mess, but the OM is not the answer. And for the love of God, he needs to get off Twitter. I hate Twitter with a passion!
Silly monkeys give them thumbs
they make a club and beat their brother down.
How they survive so misguided is a mystery.
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Old 07-26-2019, 05:48 PM   #3
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Re: Thoughts on Trump's Speech

Never been a fan of him. Never was and never will be.
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