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Old 05-22-2004, 08:25 PM   #1
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Some thoughts


I was thinking, creed might not be around for some time, espeacially if alter bridge and stapp's solo/acting efforts go through the roof.

Alter bridge could be creed minus stapp and a different name. Think about it, creed's ex-bassist an new singer. Maybe mark were just being generous and not being assess and didn't want to tell us that they just basically gave stapp the boot because of all the problems he was causing with the band.

Don't bash me, just some brain farts. I don't know, still I'm excited.
roppa loo fly!!!!
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Old 05-22-2004, 08:28 PM   #2
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Quote: (Originally Posted by musicmind226) Hmm.....

I was thinking, creed might not be around for some time, espeacially if alter bridge and stapp's solo/acting efforts go through the roof.

Alter bridge could be creed minus stapp and a different name. Think about it, creed's ex-bassist an new singer. Maybe mark were just being generous and not being assess and didn't want to tell us that they just basically gave stapp the boot because of all the problems he was causing with the band.

Don't bash me, just some brain farts. I don't know, still I'm excited.

oh and they smell bad!

no really i would think it would quite difficult to give scott the boot as he seemed like he was the leader of the band. besides the chicago incident what has he done publically to be sacked? what did he do that forced the band to hold auditions? they struck out with kennedy in a big way but maybe they would have being like another band of late and hold auditions of r 12 months and knock back one after the other.
She never told a lie,
Well, might of told a lie.
But never lived one.
Didn’t have a life.
Didn’t have a life.
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Wings for Marie
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Old 05-22-2004, 08:30 PM   #3
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i was going to say something in a new thread but this seems like as good a place as any. what is with all the negativity on this board for the past couple of days? this i'm in the scott stapp or i'm in the mark camp is stupid and childish. we are all creed fans and lets make this place somewhere we all want to come to and have a bit of fun outside our working/school lives.

*end rant*
She never told a lie,
Well, might of told a lie.
But never lived one.
Didn’t have a life.
Didn’t have a life.
But surely saved one.
Alright, now it’s time for us to let you go.

Wings for Marie
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Old 05-22-2004, 08:39 PM   #4
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Well said, hide.
Silly monkeys give them thumbs
they make a club and beat their brother down.
How they survive so misguided is a mystery.
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Old 05-22-2004, 08:47 PM   #5
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Man we've been through all this stuff before, about siding. I agree with you, handmedown, it is stuipd and childish, and I don't know why people do it. Oh well. Shit happens I guess.
'See the world in Green and Blue
Aotearoa right in front of you.
See the land of the long white cloud
Cape Reinga, to the fiords in the south.
Harbour lights in the City of Sails
Aroha, the love that never fails
See the bird with the leaf in her mouth
After the flood all the colours came out.'

- Beautiful Day, Auckland, NZ - 24 Nov 2006
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Old 05-22-2004, 11:00 PM   #6
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Quote: (Originally Posted by handmedown) oh and they smell bad!

no really i would think it would quite difficult to give scott the boot as he seemed like he was the leader of the band. besides the chicago incident what has he done publically to be sacked? what did he do that forced the band to hold auditions? they struck out with kennedy in a big way but maybe they would have being like another band of late and hold auditions of r 12 months and knock back one after the other.

I would say it would NOT be difficult....A band issopose to be one in a WHOLE inity(that is the way it started....BROTHERS...close).....Stapp was the LEAD singer....he tried to be the leader of the band...I am sure that is what the problem was and is...I don't need to say any more....
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Old 05-22-2004, 11:43 PM   #7
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Yes, SIR !!
'See the world in Green and Blue
Aotearoa right in front of you.
See the land of the long white cloud
Cape Reinga, to the fiords in the south.
Harbour lights in the City of Sails
Aroha, the love that never fails
See the bird with the leaf in her mouth
After the flood all the colours came out.'

- Beautiful Day, Auckland, NZ - 24 Nov 2006
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Old 05-22-2004, 11:52 PM   #8
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Quote: (Originally Posted by handmedown) i was going to say something in a new thread but this seems like as good a place as any. what is with all the negativity on this board for the past couple of days? this i'm in the scott stapp or i'm in the mark camp is stupid and childish. we are all creed fans and lets make this place somewhere we all want to come to and have a bit of fun outside our working/school lives.

*end rant*

my thoughts exactly, I like both Scott and Mark and I will buy both of their cds. it's not a competition, it's music. So let's just try to enjoy it.
We chase misprinted lies
We face the path of time
And yet I fight
And yet I fight
This battle all alone
No one to cry to
No place to call home

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Old 05-23-2004, 12:23 AM   #9
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.:: "If people don't like guitar solos... then they're frikkin' stupid!" - Mark Tremonti ::.
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Old 05-23-2004, 12:26 AM   #10
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What they said.
MK: We're never gonna have the Super Bowl of Scott Stapp vs. Myles Kennedy in a sing-off - it's ridiculous.

SP: Actually, we are setting that up.

MT: It was in your contract when you signed up with us.

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Old 05-23-2004, 12:29 AM   #11
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Quote: (Originally Posted by johellion) I would say it would NOT be difficult....A band issopose to be one in a WHOLE inity(that is the way it started....BROTHERS...close).....Stapp was the LEAD singer....he tried to be the leader of the band...I am sure that is what the problem was and is...I don't need to say any more....
HaHa I know And A DAMN Good LEADER HE WAS AT THAT, Wouldnt You Say, Na That Mite Hurt Wouldnt It
Hush child I,ll tell you why you have Loved Me when you were weak you have given me unselfishly Kept you From Falling Falling everywhere But Your Kness you set me free to live my life you become my Reason To Survive The Great Divide you Set Me Free Ooh Our Love Is Beautiful Ooh isn,t This Beautiful Child It Seems You Have Been My Everything
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Old 05-23-2004, 12:31 AM   #12
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What Dan said - that goes for me too
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Old 05-23-2004, 02:17 AM   #13
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Quote: (Originally Posted by johellion) I would say it would NOT be difficult....A band issopose to be one in a WHOLE inity(that is the way it started....BROTHERS...close).....Stapp was the LEAD singer....he tried to be the leader of the band...I am sure that is what the problem was and is...I don't need to say any more....

sorry for hijacking your thread musicmind btw haven't seen you around in a little while! anyhow johellion i think scott was the leader in a sense because that is naturally is personality and the other members are more reserved. he didn't have the title to be leader he was the leader. see the difference?

back to the orignal topic and in answer to the question. the only way i can see alter bridge and creed co-existing is if they are vastly different bands with completely different sounds much like with Maynard with Tool and A Perfect Circle.
She never told a lie,
Well, might of told a lie.
But never lived one.
Didn’t have a life.
Didn’t have a life.
But surely saved one.
Alright, now it’s time for us to let you go.

Wings for Marie
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Old 05-23-2004, 03:44 AM   #14
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Doesn't beating a dead horse get tiring after a while? I mean, i've noticed that we have went over pretty much all what-if's (no pun intended). I believe that it would be healthier to take everything one step at a time and not sit on the board and fret over everything. There are too many what if's that we wont have answers to until both stapp and tremonti have their cd's out, are both touring, and both make some sort of public announcement concerning their plans for Creed. Oh, and to the person that started this thread, it wouldnt be creed minus scott stapp, because there is positivly no creed without stapp. Every band member had their part in making creed, but without stapp they would just be Reed, think abou it, he was the lead singer, the lead personality, the main voice of the band, and the most intense showman when it came to a live show. Stapp couldnt be replaced in a million years within the band, and the band still be Creed minus stapp. That would be like Tool minus Maynard James Keenan, Bon Jovi without Jon Bon Jovi, or Metallica without James Hetfield. None of those bands would be the same without their lead singer, none of them would have the right to call themselves that if they lost their lead singer.
Check me out on myspace.com to hear my acoustic duo's version of Tool's Sober, My version of When Im Gone, Broken, and My Own Prison!MySpace

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Old 05-23-2004, 03:56 AM   #15
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Quote: (Originally Posted by tremonti4life04) Doesn't beating a dead horse get tiring after a while? I mean, i've noticed that we have went over pretty much all what-if's (no pun intended). I believe that it would be healthier to take everything one step at a time and not sit on the board and fret over everything. There are too many what if's that we wont have answers to until both stapp and tremonti have their cd's out, are both touring, and both make some sort of public announcement concerning their plans for Creed. Oh, and to the person that started this thread, it wouldnt be creed minus scott stapp, because there is positivly no creed without stapp. Every band member had their part in making creed, but without stapp they would just be Reed, think abou it, he was the lead singer, the lead personality, the main voice of the band, and the most intense showman when it came to a live show. Stapp couldnt be replaced in a million years within the band, and the band still be Creed minus stapp. That would be like Tool minus Maynard James Keenan, Bon Jovi without Jon Bon Jovi, or Metallica without James Hetfield. None of those bands would be the same without their lead singer, none of them would have the right to call themselves that if they lost their lead singer.

*bows down*
((And all CREED'S people said...))

~~I know I have something free.....I have something so alive.....~~

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