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Old 12-18-2007, 12:18 PM   #15
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Re: Domestic battery charge dropped

It probably is because of the Christian thing, as some view it as hypocritical of him to act like that, given that he has professed his Christianity. I'm not saying it's fair, but that's probably part of it. Weiland never expressed anything like that, as far as I can recall, so yeah, there does seem to be a bit of a double standard. No offense to any Christians, but some seem very judgmental of others when they really should be looking at how they live their own lives, because nobody, even a Christian, is perfect. This by no means signifies that I'm excusing Stapp's behavior. Far from it.
Silly monkeys give them thumbs
they make a club and beat their brother down.
How they survive so misguided is a mystery.
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