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Old 06-10-2003, 03:07 AM   #26
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Quote: Originally posted by Steve
<b>Back to the question: I ask you, why would you wish to rule a place of evil when you have the opportunity to live in peace and delight? The question at hand is fairly broad, but with some analyzing and thinking one can narrow down it's meaning. What does "serving" mean in heaven?</b>

"serve" can mean many things, but above all it means that you're not free, you have people above you who tell you what to do, and most importantly you depend on others.

So would you rather depend on others and not be free, but in nice conditions, or would you be in charge and not depend on others, in a shithole?

That's one way to look at this question. This is quote from "Paradise Lost" so dont ask me what exaclty it means lol

2goddes: The spiritual world, the afterlife exist and therefore can be understood and studied. That's why I choose not to have faith in dogma someone else had written.
You bet I look good on the dance floor.
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