Thread: Daily Bread
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Old 11-06-2011, 06:23 AM   #2829
Status: Blue Collar
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Re: Daily Bread

Forgiveness in the Void.

"I kept up with the prophecy you spoke,
I kept up with the message inside,
Lost sight of the irony of twisted faith,
Lost sight of my soul and its void." Unforgiven, Creed

"Losing an illusion makes you wiser than finding a truth." ~Ludwig Börne

"By daily dying I have come to be." ~Theodore Roethke

"If you think you're free, there's no escape possible." ~Ram Dass

Empty the vessel, feel the void, the emptiness...and refill it with something new.

A visual of emptiness and rebirth.
I sat in the middle of the river of life, I could feel my body being turned upside down by loving hands, and I watched all the sayings that had feeled my mind over the years spill out of my mouth into the water. I watched the letters like alphabet soup leave me and follow the current down stream. I was then turned right side up and all was empty inside me, empty and free. No pain, no laughter, NOTHINGNESS, an empty vessel, a new vessel, forgiven and cleansed. There was nothing but the void, and everyone disappeared and all the images vanished into the ether. I sat there in complete darkness, complete silence... waiting.

Thirty (+) words that will change your life if you say them and think about their meaning everyday:

Concentration, Peace, Poise, Harmony,Good-will, nonresistance, justice, freedom, guidance, wisdom, understanding, inspiration, intelligence, memory, law and order, faith, confidence, spirit, health, strength, energy,
activity, vitality, power, life, youth, success, happiness, alertness, resourcefulness, persistance, purpose, acheivement, mastery, dominion.

"I was rapidly regaining my energy and strength and was becoming fired with an irresistable ambition to get back and start all over again. Censuring myself for having wasted so many valuable years in fruitless effort in my old way, I was eager to start in the new way. Approaching the end of our voyage and feeling that I was soon to part from my great benefactor, to whom I had become greatly attached and to whom I owed so much, I handed him my card, and asked for his, to which he replied, "I have no card, no name, no address. I am like the wind, I come from nowhere and I go everywhere. As for my name you may call me Friend." Saying that I would much prefer to call Him master, he replied, "No, no, not Master. Just Friend. That will do." Glancing at my card, he said I turn up at the most unexpected places. I might be out to see you soon. If I do, I will write you."
...Message of a Master, by John McDonald (1929)

"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." ~Edgar Allan Poe
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