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Old 12-01-2005, 11:04 PM   #1
Status: Naked Toddler
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Got this of a site. Check this out...Casino Cinema

How rude is this? Talk with urselfs first then reply when ready. Like I said b4 I like stapp, but this has to stop! When I read this my jaw dropped!

"So says Jeff Hey of sternfannetwork. Well, according to the email he claims he received and posted on his site:

Quote: Originally posted by anonymous email
I am writing this e-mail to inform you of a situation that took place today on the set of the television show "Casino Cinema", the show that Beth O. hosts. I can honestly say that everything in this e-mail is true. I am not doing this to start any sort of drama, but only to try to bring some justice for Beth, one of the sweetest women I've ever worked with, and show what an Asshole Scott Stapp is.

Scott Stapp, the once lead singer of Creed, was the guest on the show today. From the moment he walked into the studio he was rude, beligerent and extremely drunk. A crew member walked into him by mistake, and when said member told him he was "Sorry", Scott replied back with "Yea, you better fucking be!" Though this incident in itself shows what a complete douchebag he is, it wasn't until he arrived on set and was interacting with Beth, that the real atrocity occured. From the moment he met Beth, he was nothing but extremely mean, sexist and an all around jerk.

Throughout the show taping, he harrassed Beth calling her, and I QUOTE "A Bimbo", telling her he made way more money than Howard, at one point told her he was going to "kick her ass", and another incident where he got extremely flirtatious in a way that made Beth visibly uncomfortable.

While I'm sure the alchohol intensifed Scott's behavior, there is still NO excuse to treat a woman this way. Especially when she has done absolutely nothing to deserve this.

Beth handled herself with extreme poise and grace, and while no one would have blamed her for walking off, she stayed and dealt with it for the good of the show.

I'm sure Scott embarrassed himself enough just by taping the show drunk, but I wanted to make sure the truth about this bitter midget was told.

Beth, nor the rest of the crew of "Casino Cinema" deserved the shit that Scott Stapp threw on us, so I'm hoping by this e-mail being written, Howard will rip him a new one tomorrow morning.

I don't want to give my name. I'd like to keep this anonymous, though I'm sure this won't be the only e-mail you will receive on this subject, as the entire crew witnessed this.
Thanks for your time".

Last edited by Stappishot : 12-01-2005 at 11:08 PM. Reason: word spelled wrong
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