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Old 10-27-2009, 05:54 PM   #70
Status: Silence Speaks
Posts: 73
Joined: Jul 2009
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Re: Christian Review of Overcome

Quote: (Originally Posted by metalchris25) Can Creed release just one album without having to rehash this ridiculous and pointless argument?! I mean, really, who gives a crap?
And yes, I am a Christian. I see nothing that the article says that will deter anyone from buying the album. Everything in it is true, and nothing that Creed fans didnt already know.

To me one of the things that have always separated Creed from most other bands is that they have class. They can make music that's great, and they don't have to curse every other word to do it. And I do listen to music that has profanity in it, but it's just that Creed has always seemed like they were above that. And yes I know they're not an actual Christian band. But the person who wrote this article made it sound like Creed is just like any other band that uses profanity in their lyrics. And the fact is that "What's this Life For" is the only song that Creed has ever cursed in. The word "damned" in Overcome is used in it's literal form. I just want Creed to be viewed as the classy band that they are.
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