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Old 09-04-2010, 08:37 PM   #31
Status: Broken Dream
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Re: Adam and Eve's Sin

Ok, I'm going to give this and go and try to pick back up a little bit here. Hopefully I haven't lost you or lost myself along the way. God willing we'll pick it up nice and smooth.

Looking back, I noticed that I talked about the separation in the Hebrew of adam (mankind) and eth-Ha-adham. You know, I'm reminded again just how much mistranslations and just traditions and unfortunately a lack of real study and rightly dividing the Word trips people up. There are some who would maybe point to Genesis 3:20 where it says Adam called his wife Eve because she was the mother of all living. Some people will look at that and say "ah ha, there that shows that all peoples and races originate from Eve." But again, one would have to ignore that in Genesis 1:27-28 God created males and females and told them to be fruitful and multiply. Then in Genesis 2 He forms Adam... this was after the 7th day. He'd already created male and female on the 6th day, He rested on the 7th day, and then He formed not adam, but eth-Ha-adham. Let there be no mystery in that. Then in Genesis 2:18-22, God decides it's not good for Adam (eth-Ha-adham) to be alone, so He, as it was put very well again by Pastor Murray, performs surgery, and takes and forms Eve from not necessarily a rib of Adam, as the english says, but a curve, perhaps indeed the DNA double helix curve. At any rate, this again occurs after the 7th day. There's other peoples from the 6th day, and when Eve is named, she has not even had any children yet... though she has conceived, which I'll get to later. So how is she the mother of all living? I could ask as well how Abraham could be the father of many nations, many peoples, when obviously there would be people with no blood relation or ties whatsoever included in that. It's through Christ, of course. Christ would come through that seedline of Eve and Abraham. God does not consider you to be living, necessarily, just because your heart beats and your lungs continue to take in oxygen in a flesh body. There's a lot of people walking around today who seem to be in decent healthy physically and are certainly alive in a flesh sense. But they're pretty sick if not dead spiritually speaking. If you're in Christ, you're living. If you're not, then hopefully you get in Him at some point. Because it's a lot better to be maybe a little unhealthy physically but vibrant and full of life spiritually than it is to be the epitome of health in a flesh sense but dead spiritually. Because, no matter what, we're all going to die at some point after 100 years or so anyway... the vast majority of course not making it in a flesh body anywhere near that long. But once we're done with the flesh, we're done with it. Then, instantly, as it says in Ecclesiastes 12:6-7,when the flesh body expires, the spirit, or soul, returns to God. And, if you've got a living spirit and are in Christ, you're in pretty good shape. If you don't have that, you might be in for a pretty rough trip.

But I really felt a need to hopefully establish real good one key point, and to hopefully clear up one untruth or misconception- that being that Adam and Eve were the first people here on earth. From there, we'll move on to what was instructed of them, and where they slipped, why again man slips up in reading and teaching scripture, and again continuing to identify these people who have caused a great deal of mischief, still do actually to this day.

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