Thread: Daily Bread
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Old 12-09-2011, 06:47 AM   #2860
Status: Blue Collar
Posts: 620
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Re: Daily Bread


"I stand surrounded by the walls
that once confined me,

Broken mirrors paint the floor...

You wear a thousand faces,
Tell me which is you?" Creed (A Thousand Faces)
(nice..magical... comments)

ONCE ALIGNED The energy of that particular energy body (that particular CHOSEN frequency such as...perfect love) is reflected in every image, even past images of our being. Its magical in that all negativity seems to have dissapated and all anyone can see is me now, who I am now and the energetic reflection I express in this moment.

In simple terms..when I align with love for instance, then everyone who sees me is also aligned with love, we attract to ourselves what we are. Pictures that were taken of me in the past ...before I displayed LOVE ALIGNMENT will reflect the energy of now...not that of the past. Where I am energetically/spiritually in this moment is eternal and permeates the history of my being.

NOW...From a different filter of viewing..Now from a place of unity, and unfragmented wholeness, in lifting the veil of illusion I can see that....
Every person I come in contact with now, is a preceeding voice in my head. They are a physical manifestation of my thought process aligned with the current expression of my energy and I align with them and you align with me. We are all connected...

So the beauty of that truth is that everyone we see teaches us about who we are and what we are thinking...and how we can grow and change in perfect love, (perfect love casts out fear and negativity). It empowers us to be able to choose a change from within...for the exterior is simply an expression of source.

On a personal note...
I went to Jack's yesterday morning...bought a diet coke..rammed the straw in the cup while it was between my legs...straw goes through the bottom of the cup, cup explodes in my lap. I couldn't change, couldn't turn around.. I had a deadline, so I kept going . I had to take a very important test..I wrapped a coat around my waist to hide the coke spill which completely soaked me to my ankles and my seat. My child..laughed at me for 30 miles....but sweetly offered me some of hers.

Lesson is do not use extreme force while putting straw in styrofoam cup. Bigger moral Quit the Diet Coke and drink bottled water. There was a recent study on 400 people who drank lots of diet soda over a period of 10 years that displayed a 70% increase in abdominal fat. Ummm that's a big number.

So Blessed, So Thankful!
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." ~Edgar Allan Poe

Last edited by Sasa : 12-09-2011 at 07:12 AM.
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