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09-23-2005, 06:43 PM
Hey guys. I haven't been around here much. Here's a few updates from the past while.

- I spent a couple of weeks in New York. When I was at JFK airport, I saw one of my idols. I got to talk to, get an autograph from, etc. none other that WWE Hardcore legend Mick Foley! He was on the same flight as me along with his daughter. After that, I got to meet his wife. He is such a nice guy.

- I've been playing with my MySpace account again. Check it out and add me to your friends list if any of you are on there. http://www.myspace.com/19447520

- I am now in my senior year of college. Classes suck but I love the rest of it.

- I locked my keys in my car the other day. Now there's something stuck in my lock on my driver side door, and the key won't go in all the way. I have to open my passenger door, unlock my door from the inside, go around, and get in.

- Sometime during the course of the summer, someone, somewhere, got ahold of my debit card number and spent over $100 online. I'm still working with my bank to get the money back. So today I opened a new account at another bank and will close this account when I get the money back.

- You may remember back a few months to when my friend Leonard was murdered. Well, on August 11th his killer was sentenced to 30 years to life in prison. In a bit of an addition to the story, Leonard had been selling meth and marijuana. His killer (Trevor Booth) owed him about $10,000 and when he couldn't pay, he thought Leonard would seek retrabution. So he killed him. During the court sessions, Leonard's ashes sat in an urn on the prosecutor's table.

That's about it for now. Time for studies again. Keep the peace.

H-D :pimp:

09-23-2005, 07:26 PM
Hi Colin :) Good to see you again! I'm glad that there is finally some justice for your friend and his family,I think that punk should've gotten the death penalty, if you ask me. But atleast he will have time to sit in jail and think of what he did. Hope he stays away from Moe in the back sell though,lol.
That sucks about your debit card,I hope everything gets straightened out for you with that.

09-23-2005, 08:46 PM
Hey Colin, good to see ya back.

I got to meet someone famous yesterday, Tommy Lee.

Motley Crue is in town tonight, so last night I saw him at a CD signing.

He is in no way my idol, but still pretty cool.

09-24-2005, 06:33 PM
Hey, H-D, that so sucks about the debit card. People are such scum sometimes. Good to hear you had a great time in NYC. I love going there.

I'm glad your friend's killer got punished.

09-24-2005, 06:50 PM
Hey Colin, good to hear from ya again. You go to Carleton, right? You on facebook?

09-24-2005, 06:52 PM
oh and happy 21st!

09-25-2005, 02:23 AM
Thanks guys. Another year gone... another year closer to dying.

Hey Colin, good to hear from ya again. You go to Carleton, right? You on facebook?
No, I go to Albertson. Close. But yes, I am on facebook, too. We use it primarily for letting people know about campus parties.

H-D :pimp: