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04-07-2005, 07:38 AM
anyone who has studied any marketing subjects knows most ads are not noticed or ignored. but there are some great ads that stay in the mind and give a good laugh. feel free to share your favs....:)

first a couple i saw in some lectures in an advertising class....

1. this elegant car is cruising through the french countryside with soft, soothing music playing. its got be a car ad when out of nowhere this german ad shows this zombie creature yell something. its an ad for coffee i think. the fact i can't quite remember the product means its a bad ad but it was funny lol.
2.in this uk ad this young boy is playing with his cars and other toys and having a great old time when it seems he is playing with a toy plane. a close-up shows the kid is playing with a vibrator! :laugh: ad for ikea.....again not the greatest ad cause how does ikea relate to the ad but funny as. :)

3. not a funny ad but a mercedes ad where a guy grows younger instead of older......clever ad.

04-07-2005, 08:02 AM
i like the car ad where the dog goes to pee on the car but the car squirts it with water.

and the ad with the dancing car.

04-07-2005, 09:44 AM
There's a French ad (I think) for a car (again, can't remember the brand) where a woman is driving, sees she's about to pull up next to her husbands car and she makes her lover, in the passenger seat, recline the seat all the way back so hubby can't see him. They pull next to each other, they wave, she pulls away and the hubby looks over at HIS lover in the passenger seat, reclined. HIS lover is a young guy.

04-07-2005, 07:29 PM
There's a French ad (I think) for a car (again, can't remember the brand) where a woman is driving, sees she's about to pull up next to her husbands car and she makes her lover, in the passenger seat, recline the seat all the way back so hubby can't see him. They pull next to each other, they wave, she pulls away and the hubby looks over at HIS lover in the passenger seat, reclined. HIS lover is a young guy.

hehehe thats a funny one......i'm noticing a trend with these funny ads that we can't remember what the product is.

04-07-2005, 08:31 PM
I Like The Lizard That Sales Insurance

04-07-2005, 09:24 PM
I Like The Lizard That Sales Insurance
The Geico Gecko is so lame. IMO.

Theres some good ones that I've seen.

1 -- A super glue commercial -- There's some nuns in a convent, and they pick up something and look worried. They take it to one of the head mothers, who gasps when she sees it. She opens up her desk and takes out the super glue. They all walk and we see the back of the statue. She glues the piece back on. It was the penis from the cherub statue! :D

2 -- Carl's Junior restaurant -- Hot girl riding a mechanical bull eating a burger. Not too much to it, but really hot.

3 -- All the old Budweiser commercials with the lizards

I'll think of more later.

H-D :pimp:

04-07-2005, 10:15 PM
Old super bowl commercial for Mazda (me thinks?) in which theres a flock of crows see the said car go after it like fighter jets crapping all over the place as if the droppings were missles. Its a lot funnier than I am making it out to be.

04-08-2005, 09:56 AM
I just thought of another for mine.

4 -- Washington State Lottery -- Two old guys sitting there clapping a beat while a monkey dances on top of a bucket. After 10 or 15 seconds it changes to a screen that says, "We just wasted 10 million dollars." next screen "What are you going to do with your money?" next screen "Play Washington State Lottery." freaking hillarious.

H-D :pimp:

04-08-2005, 01:39 PM
Another of my favs is from this year's Super Bowl. Again, I'm sure it's for a mortgage company but I'm not 100% positive which. The guy with the hands-free cell phone in the convenience store. The clerk thinks he's being robbed, the guy with the hands free cell is talking to a potential buyer and as he approaches the counter to pay, he says on the phone, "How much for the deck? You're getting robbed. You hear me? You're getting ripped off". The clerk sees the guy in the tv monitor and turns around and maces the poor bastard. Knocks him down with a bat, and the old lady from the back comes at him on the ground with a taser. Funniest commercial I've seen in a long time. My kids thought I was sick in the head from how hard I was laughing at this poor man's misfortune.

04-08-2005, 04:08 PM
best is one where it shows a retired man in a fishing boat by his cottage and he starts talking about how he earned his money and saved to have a nice life by the water and a cottage, them a gient anchor falls and breaks through his boat, and two teenagers on a yaught look down are are like "sorry man!"

Then it says, earning money is great, winning the lottery is better.

its funnier if you actually see it.

04-08-2005, 09:04 PM
I like that Twix candy bar commercial,where the chick asks her boyfriend"Do these pants make me look fat?" ,and then she turns around and has this great big ghetto booty. Then the guy starts cramming the twix in his mouth and muffles his reply,that ones great :D