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12-28-2003, 06:48 PM
After having been gone from home all day Christmas, we returned home. I let our dog Nikki outside and she started barking. We do not like our dogs to bark, so all dressed up from Christmas, I went out on the patio to scold her. She wouldn't stop, so I walked up the stairs leading to our back yard. Just as I reached the top step, I slipped on a patch of ice. Flying backward, I landed three feet down onto the concrete patio. As I lay there, I could see the stars, and I thought how pretty they were, anything to take my mind off the pain. Suddenly darkness overcame me. I didn't pass out from the fall, if that's what you were thinking. Nikki the black lab. was on top of me!! Springs seemed to be attached to her feet, as she jumped up and down on "Mom". Kisses, raining down, as she tried in her own doggie way to get me up. I couldn't get up, she weighs 75 lbs. all dignity gone, I crawled out from under the onslaught. As I limped into the house, hair wild, dog slobber on my face, and snowflakes sparkling on my clothes, my husband said "What happened to you?".

You know, I try hard to be dignified, but sometimes the world just takes me down, jumps on top of me, and spits in my face.

12-28-2003, 07:02 PM
I hope you're okay now Whitebird. I know what you mean how you try to be diginfied and all, the world tends to do that to everyone.

12-28-2003, 07:05 PM
YIKES, whitebird, I hope you didn't get hurt or anything! Alisha's right, the world can do that...I once had to go to class in college covered in mud. I was rushing across the quadrangle in the rain, and it was very slick. I slipped and fell, books and everthing everywhere - and I was wearing white painter's pants...I looked like a drowned rat -- covered in mud.

12-28-2003, 07:08 PM
That must have been horrible Dogstar, and to go to class like that too! You know I always found it funny how whenver I wore white clothing, I would always end up getting it dirty especially with food.

12-28-2003, 07:09 PM
If I don't laugh at my own folly, someone else will. I'm having a good laugh over this.

I'm fine, but I do have really interesting bruises that only my husband will see.

12-28-2003, 07:10 PM
That must have been horrible Dogstar, and to go to class like that too! You know I always found it funny how whenver I wore white clothing, I would always end up getting it dirty especially with food.
LOL, that's so true. I should have known better :D...The worst part was that it was between classes, so the quad was full of people...I was soooo embarrassed :D :eek:

12-28-2003, 07:13 PM
YIKES, whitebird, I hope you didn't get hurt or anything! Alisha's right, the world can do that...I once had to go to class in college covered in mud. I was rushing across the quadrangle in the rain, and it was very slick. I slipped and fell, books and everthing everywhere - and I was wearing white painter's pants...I looked like a drowned rat -- covered in mud.

Somehow, I picture you pulling it off, you seem very self assured.

12-28-2003, 07:16 PM
LOL, whitebird...Well, all my classmates had a good laugh, that's for sure. I just :D big time and tried to forget all the mud drying on my pants. I still remember it as if it were yesterday...I'm glad you weren't seriously hurt!

12-28-2003, 07:17 PM
whitebird, I'm happy to hear that you're okay after your fall. I've been there myself many times. I have told people that my middle name should've been Grace because I was very accident prone, especially when I was younger.

You know I always found it funny how whenver I wore white clothing, I would always end up getting it dirty especially with food.

LOL, I can relate, Alisha. I feed my shirt occasionally too.

12-28-2003, 07:18 PM
LOL, that's so true. I should have known better :D...The worst part was that it was between classes, so the quad was full of people...I was soooo embarrassed :D :eek:

LOL! White's and Khaki's are NOT my friend! I think I'm cursed with those colors or something. Whenver I wore khaki pants to school, I would get marker on them. It would have to be the non-washable type too! So I would go around school with a blue or green slash across my pants the entire day! :o

12-28-2003, 07:19 PM
LMAO, Alisha, I can so relate. I always had ink stains on my light-colored pants :D.

12-28-2003, 07:24 PM
Yup, I think I'll be sticking to dark colored pants from now on! :thumbsup:

12-28-2003, 07:49 PM
Glad to hear nothing but your pride was hurt whitebird! Back in my college days we were all walking to the student union to eat dinner and in taking a shortcut my foot got caught in some muck, and it sucked one of my flip flops right off my foot. I was stuck in muck up to my mid-calf. Needless to say, I walked to the student union with one shoe on, one shoe off, one leg covered in muck and a seriously embarrassed look on my face. They finally put a little footbridge over that spot that I got stuck in, so I think I wasn't alone in getting stuck.

12-28-2003, 07:51 PM
LMAO, Teri, what is it about college and mud? :D

12-28-2003, 07:54 PM
I don't know, but I know so many stories of college and mud it's scary. Seems like that was one of the things you had to do in college is get dirty and embarrassed at least once.

12-29-2003, 12:11 AM
:lolsign: about your dog jumping on top of you whitebird, but yeah I'm glad that you aren't hurt, slipping on ice is bad enough!

12-29-2003, 01:03 AM
After having been gone from home all day Christmas, we returned home. I let our dog Nikki outside and she started barking. We do not like our dogs to bark, so all dressed up from Christmas, I went out on the patio to scold her. She wouldn't stop, so I walked up the stairs leading to our back yard. Just as I reached the top step, I slipped on a patch of ice. Flying backward, I landed three feet down onto the concrete patio. As I lay there, I could see the stars, and I thought how pretty they were, anything to take my mind off the pain. Suddenly darkness overcame me. I didn't pass out from the fall, if that's what you were thinking. Nikki the black lab. was on top of me!! Springs seemed to be attached to her feet, as she jumped up and down on "Mom". Kisses, raining down, as she tried in her own doggie way to get me up. I couldn't get up, she weighs 75 lbs. all dignity gone, I crawled out from under the onslaught. As I limped into the house, hair wild, dog slobber on my face, and snowflakes sparkling on my clothes, my husband said "What happened to you?".

You know, I try hard to be dignified, but sometimes the world just takes me down, jumps on top of me, and spits in my face.


12-29-2003, 05:35 PM
I'm so glad that you are alright Whitebird :hugs:

12-29-2003, 07:47 PM
me too :)

12-29-2003, 08:12 PM
Yeah, my dog has this thing about running very fast toward my legs (note: My dog is a Great Pyraneese, so he weighs ATLEAST 100 lbs) and good thing that most of the time he misses me, or I have to dodge out of his way! I guess it's just a game of his or something!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? He is quite strange! ;)

Glad you're alright whitebird! :)

12-30-2003, 06:11 PM
You know, we don't sound like a very graceful bunch of people, but funny as heck.

Teri, I can almost see you and Dogstar covered in mud.

Creed Defaultgirl, your great pyraneese sounds like a real clown. Yes, your dog is much bigger than Nikki. Do you wear doggie slobber too?

12-30-2003, 07:16 PM
I'm just greatful that I have a parakeet as a pet. At least my bird doesn't jump and slober all over me. :p You're right Whitebird, none of us our graceful, especially me. I went out with my friends last Friday and every store we went to, I kept running into things. Of course my friends were getting a kick out of it. :rolleyes: :D

12-30-2003, 07:18 PM
I'm glad my brother got a small dog :D

12-30-2003, 07:37 PM
Julie, do you have any funny ferret stories? My son has always wanted one, but with the combination of pets that we have had over the years, I figured someone would eat someone else.

Dog would eat cat, cat would eat ferret, ferret would eat bird. Or maybe the bird would have ruled all. She was so funny!

12-30-2003, 07:43 PM
I'm just greatful that I have a parakeet as a pet. At least my bird doesn't jump and slober all over me. :p You're right Whitebird, none of us our graceful, especially me. I went out with my friends last Friday and every store we went to, I kept running into things. Of course my friends were getting a kick out of it. :rolleyes: :D

Sometimes when I am in a store, I can still almost hear my Mother say, "Don't touch anything". I look down and my hands are tucked into my pockets.

I was a sweet, funny, cute kid, but really, really clumsy. I just never outgrew it.

12-30-2003, 07:52 PM
:p It's amazing how a mother's words can have such an impact. I've been clumsy ever since I was born and I know I won't ever outgrow it either. As long as I stay away from really high heels and things that I have to climb over, I'll be fine. :p