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09-07-2003, 08:50 PM
It is 8:48PM in the Eastern time zone and I am drinking Rum and Cokes to stay awake. I want to stay awake because tonight is a very special night for me. Tonight, I am hosting a sleepover. And I am offering...
Vanilla Stoli in juice or soda, vodka with tonic water. White and red wine, Red Stripe and Bud Light. For those of you who don't drink, there is lots of other stuff to drink or smoke and munch on, you know?
So! Bring your sleeping bags and pillows and a bottle of your favorite wine. Cause I'm camping out here tonight...

09-07-2003, 08:52 PM
I'm right here with ya, Aimee. I'm enjoying a nice glass of cabernet and will hang out with ya here until around 10:30. I know, I know, it's not an all-nighter, but I've gotta work early. But while I AM here, I'll tell jokes, do some juggling, wear a lampshade, whatever it takes!! I LOVE sleepovers!!! By the way, I'm borrowing the new Barbie sleeping bag Jenn got for a birthday gift. I'll try not to spill any cabernet on it!!;)

09-07-2003, 08:59 PM
Oh sure, I know that some of you have school tomorrow. But that's okay. I'll just stay up and wait for those like Bec & Haley. Listening to VAST. Still drinking, but I may take a break for a moment. Four is a bit much for me.

09-07-2003, 09:01 PM
Hey, Aimee!! I'm here too. Unfortunately I can't make it an all-nighter cause I have to get up for work around 5:00 am but I'll be here for as long as I can. Since it's a special occasion, I'll have a coke and some shrimp cocktail along with some milk chocolate or mint milanos. YUM!!! I used to love sleepovers with friends when I was younger, they were so much FUN!!

09-07-2003, 09:03 PM
As long as you stay inside and don't try to drive us to the liquor store for more, we should be just fine!! Can you turn up the stereo?? I would like to see Sgt. April come to the door again!!

09-07-2003, 09:05 PM
LMAO!! That was SO funny. Dogstar and I were so sure it was a real cop!!:lol: :lol:

09-07-2003, 09:06 PM
I am here, but I have to be up at 6am tomorrow so I can't pull an all nighter. I have a Power Puff Girls sleeping bag thanks to Lauren and I am having another Killian's Red. It isn't the best beer, but it's all I have. Today was Sunday and I couldn't buy another kind today.

09-07-2003, 09:06 PM
I'll drop by VERY QUICKLY, just to drop off some booze for you ladies!! :D And some Aussie chocolates (Teri knows how good they are) ;), and some hugs! :hugs: :hugs:

Hope all is well Aimee!! :)

09-07-2003, 09:13 PM
^^^Hey Girlie! Thanks for showing up.
*Amy gets serious here*
"PM me," she says. "I will PAY you to send me some of those Aussie chocs in the mail!!!"
PS: I aint drivin anywhere. Now, I'm listening to the new Eminem record and dancing around the board!

09-07-2003, 09:17 PM
Just don't 'lose yourself' in the bathroom and forget about us out here. And trust me when I tell you, those Aussie Chocolates are DA BOMB!!

09-07-2003, 09:19 PM
And tell Blister to behave himself tonight!;) LOL!!

09-07-2003, 09:26 PM
Man, now I want some Aussie chocolates. Those sound so good and I have been craving something sweet.

09-07-2003, 09:30 PM
Well, I do just happen to have some Port Wine Cheese and a bag of crackers. Want some?

09-07-2003, 09:32 PM
Bec, if you're talking about Aero bars, Jen and I found some when we were in Orlando at a place we stopped for a smoothie the first night we arrived. Then we went tooling around in her rented Montero looking for gated communities.:driving: What great memories!!:D You'll have to take a trip to FL to get some Aero bars, Carrie. I never saw them anywhere here in my area.

09-07-2003, 09:32 PM
PS: Teri, how did you know I just went to the bathroom?? :lol:

09-07-2003, 09:32 PM
That sounds pefect. I would love to have some. :P

09-07-2003, 09:38 PM
Can someone please open the door? I've got my hands full with wine and snacks......oh thanks Teri...hi aimee, hope it's okay to stop bye, I'm a bit lonley tonight and the thought of a sleepover with friends just sounded so darn good. Oops, could you pick up that nighty..yeah i know it has a big ole whole in it, but what the heck right?

09-07-2003, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by Aimee
PS: Teri, how did you know I just went to the bathroom?? :lol: Because Blister was scratching at the door looking really hungry.:D;)

Here, cj, here's your nighty, I'll open that bottle of wine for ya!!

09-07-2003, 09:43 PM
Hi Mel...Hi ladies :D hehe Im jumping into your sleepover...Ill take a rum and coke please:P

09-07-2003, 09:43 PM
LMAO, good to see you! Is there room for any embarrasing moments stories at this sleep over because I had one today when I took the kids to McDonalds.

Here it goes.

First I was sitting on this bench on the playground watching them play and eating my ice cream and this wasp landed right next to me and I HATE bugs so I am slowly getting up and I grabbed Tyler's shoe to smack it, because they have to take their shoes off to play on the playground, and I was so scared it was gonna sting me before I hit it, or I was afraid I would miss it and then it would sting me, and this like 6 year old girl said, "It's just a baby, just hit it." I said, "I am afraid it will sting me." and she said, "Do you want me to kill it?" and I said, "You aren't scared?" and she said, "No!" and just grabbed the shoe and killed it. I couldn't help, but laugh and her Father thought it was pretty funny as well! I was shown up by a 6 year old, LOL! Then as we were leaving a lady walked in wearing a robe and a tourbon style shawl over her head and Lauren started screaming and pointing, "Look, Mom it's, God, or it's Jesus, Look!" I was FREAKIN' out! She just kept saying it over and over I just wanted to get out of there. I told her, "I will take you to Target and buy you any toy you want, just please stop pointing and calling that lady Jesus!" I swear I am never taking them anywhere again, LOL! I can laugh now, but at the time I thought I was gonna die.

09-07-2003, 09:46 PM
Oh my lol :rofl: Kids will say the darndest things..

09-07-2003, 09:48 PM
Hi rain...fancy you meeting here. Did you bring the usual? And sure, I can move over a bit, see the spot is still nice and warm (the warmth comes from the whole in my nighty if you get my drift)

hotforscott, gonna go back to that mcdonald anytime soon?LOL

09-07-2003, 09:52 PM
Yay!! It's a party!! I'll have a glass of that wine if you don't mind. I'll light some insence if any of you want to smoke.

09-07-2003, 09:52 PM
Here's my story for tonight. Told my little son, who just started Kindergarten last week, that he had to go to bed because he has to go back to school tomorrow. He said, "but I got kicked out for not going yesterday". I think it's time for him to learn what the weekend's all about.

09-07-2003, 09:53 PM
Oh my GOD Carrie, that is so funny!!! I'd have been the same way, I hate wasps, big or small. So that little 6 year old would've had to save me too!!

Hey cj, what kind of warmth is coming out of that hole in your nighty? Did you have the burritos for dinner again??:D:fart:

09-07-2003, 09:55 PM
HEhE yep I have brought the usual.. :) hehe mel cover yourself lol, and Aimee light the incense girl:P

09-07-2003, 09:55 PM
well uhmm...i don't do borritos, it's just wear from frequent sleepovers......oh amy whoops there, almost fell. I'm taking what your having tongiht.

09-07-2003, 09:58 PM
LOL at your little boy's getting kicked out of school. LMAO. Hey, I've got Doritos, anybody need a refill on the wine??

09-07-2003, 09:59 PM
give me some sprite and ill be happy

09-07-2003, 10:01 PM
Hehe hand me that bag of doritos...and oh yes another glass of wine please..:D allthough I am soooo going to have a hangover in the morning:rolleyes:

09-07-2003, 10:02 PM
Pouring now, hey Aimee, is that the cops at the door?? Are you sure that's Incense????:smokin:

09-07-2003, 10:02 PM
Hey, Rain and cjme! Glad you could join us.:D

Carrie, I feel for you. I don't like bees or wasps either because I have been stung a couple of times and it's not fun.:mad: I can tolerate any other kind of bugs, spiders, etc. but those things I can't stand.

09-07-2003, 10:05 PM
ya know what rain? It's sunday.....and tomorrow is only another day. Amiee wants a sleep over and a sleep over she will have. Come on Aimee girl, give your old friend (of 20 minutes) a hug.

09-07-2003, 10:05 PM
Hey sheila :drunk:

09-07-2003, 10:07 PM
I'll have a few Doritos before I go catch some ZZZs. I'm going to have to be heading out for now. It's been alot of fun and thanks for inviting me Aimee!!!:hugs: :hugs: {{{{{Aimee}}}}}

You guys have some more food and drinks for me, okay? See ya later.:D

09-07-2003, 10:10 PM
nice meeting you sheila, have a good night. Can I have the drink that you can't have?

09-07-2003, 10:10 PM
I'll drink to that Sheila!!:cheers: You have a good night. Pass the Port Wine cheese and crackers, I've got the munchies. Hey, Aimee, can blister have some? Or are you restricting his diet?;)

09-07-2003, 10:11 PM
Night, night sheila...I hope ya have sweet dreams girl!

09-07-2003, 10:12 PM
:hugs: :party: :wiggle:
*Aimee takes CJME's keys. They clang against the mason jar.*
"Here you go, facelessman, I got some sprite for you. You need ice?" Oh, and Rain, don't worry, I got Alka sletzer after party fizzy stuff and I'll make country biscuits and sausage gravy for breakfast. So throw down with me. Heeee!!!

09-07-2003, 10:13 PM
Have a good night, Sheila. We will have another sleepover soon and we will all plan to stay up.

I need a refill on the wine. It's been a hard day!

09-07-2003, 10:16 PM
okay aimee have my keys, have my money, have my nighty.....just leave me the wine. And I can almost guarantee those are not incents.hehe

09-07-2003, 10:18 PM
*knocks on door with head; then with foot*

Sorry! Arms are filled with an assorted case of Ben and Jerry's and a box of spoons. Any takers?


09-07-2003, 10:18 PM
and Rain, don't worry, I got Alka sletzer after party fizzy stuff and I'll make country biscuits and sausage gravy for breakfast. So throw down with me. Heeee!!!

mm yummy bisquits and gravy....alright you talk me into it :D

09-07-2003, 10:18 PM
Thanks for dropping by Sheila. You have the bestest hugs in the whole world. Sweet Dreams. CJME, move over chica and Teri don't hog the Doritos now! I'm so happy to be here right now.

09-07-2003, 10:22 PM
I'm looking around and seeing nothing but big smiles.....ahhhh time to sit back and relax a bit. Moonshine brought ice cream and if we try real hard maybe we can talk somebody into giving us a good shoulder rub. That's the life.....(falls into tune.....no more soooorrrooows......they're gone)

09-07-2003, 10:25 PM
Arms are filled with an assorted case of Ben and Jerry's and a box of spoons. Any takers?
Hell yes!

09-07-2003, 10:25 PM
Ben and Jerry's?? *grabs a spoon
They'll go great with the Doritos and wine!! Damn, I thought it was the cops at the door, luckily it was Moonshine sharing calories!!

09-07-2003, 10:29 PM
Hehe ladies, I have had a blast with ya, but Im gonna take a bucket of ben and jerrys and run..;) I hope you all have a goodnight and sweetdreams:hugs:

P.s. be good, if ya cant be bad :P

09-07-2003, 10:30 PM
The most embarassing moment I ever had was when I was in seventh grade. I stayed at my friend Erin's house overnight. Erin had a really nice house on the edge of a richy neighborhood. She was the first person I knew who had a fridge that gave you fresh water and ice cubes. I was so fascinated by that little square in the refrigerator door, that I had probably ten to twelve 8oz glasses of water that night. You guessed it... I wet the bed. I woke up early all wet (I had been dreaming about pissin on the can) and dried myself out before anyone else woke up.
Good night Rain, thanks for dropping by!

09-07-2003, 10:36 PM
Night rain!!

Aimee, don't feel bad. The night of my brother's wedding I had a lot to drink at the wedding (remember now, I was 16!) and then after the reception, we went back to my sister-in-laws parents house and I drank a 6 pack of Miller. I don't remember anything past that sixth bottle. But I did wake up the next morning around 5am having had an accident in my panties (not saying if it was #1 or #2:D) but it was by far my most embarrassing moment. Never shared that before, so don't tell anyone ok? Can we keep it our little secret??;)

09-07-2003, 10:39 PM
Hey, guys, just popping in for a quick hello...I brought ya some reinforcements: Corona Extra Gold and some limes! You know what to do, Creed Festers! Let the others in on the tasty secret. Party on....I'm at work, so no brewskies for me :( ...I'm off to Rhody after this, so have a great sleepover!!!! :hugs: to all!

09-07-2003, 10:39 PM
Thanks for sharing Aimee,lol. Nothing better than telling your biggest secrets to a bunch of Best Friends you've just made. uhmmm is terri ever gonna come out of the bathroom, cause i've got to go baaaaaaddd

Kim V.
09-07-2003, 10:41 PM
Hey, mind if I join y'al for a bit? It took me awhile to read all the posts in here to get to this point! I've got my daughter's Blue's Clues sleeping bag, and some Cookies and Cream Ice Cream!

09-07-2003, 10:42 PM
DOGSTAR!! Thanks for droppin the Corona's by. I'll use the limes with my Jose Cuervo. Hope you don't mind!!!

09-07-2003, 10:44 PM
CJ, the bathroom is all yours now, just keep Blister out of the trash!!

Hey Dogstar, thanks for the brews, I'll share our recipe for a good beer!! And KIM!!! How did you know Cookies and Cream was my favorite??

Aimee, crank up the tunes, it's getting crowded in here and I can't here the music!

09-07-2003, 10:45 PM
hi Kim, you can have Rain's already warm spot.

Kim V.
09-07-2003, 10:47 PM
I don't care much for the beer, can I share some wine, friends? I also brought the Woodstock video!!! Let's FF to Ode and watch Stapp...um,.... ya know......

09-07-2003, 10:48 PM
Crankin up MOP right...

09-07-2003, 10:53 PM
Hey, is that the cops outside?

09-07-2003, 11:00 PM
I wish April and Elayne would show up.

Kim V.
09-07-2003, 11:02 PM
Yep, it's Sgt. April

Kim V.
09-07-2003, 11:05 PM
Well, ladies, this was fun, but I can't pull an all-nighter either. Thanks for letting me party wit ya! I'll keep the bail money handy!

09-07-2003, 11:06 PM
Quick, hide the 'incense':D. And pass the cabernet!!

Amy, Blister has some really bad breath, whatcha been feeding this little monster, anyway??;)

09-07-2003, 11:19 PM
G'night Kim. TeriB, why girlfriend I believe it's past your bedtime! :D Are you drunk yet? I know I can't feel my lips. They're numb. Did I mention I can't feel my lips?

09-07-2003, 11:23 PM
Night, Kim. I have some pretzels to go with the beer, Dogstar. Where is Jen by the way? She should be here.

09-07-2003, 11:24 PM
Yes, I see the clock on the wall says it's almost bedtime, but I'm having so damn much fun with you!! Yemme see your yips. Hey, you're right they are numb!! I can't feel them at all!!! Did I mention how much fun I'm having, really!! I'm so glad you're my friend! I love you.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

*rolls over on Barbie sleeping bag

09-07-2003, 11:28 PM

09-07-2003, 11:29 PM
I'm outta here too, but thanks for the good time Aimee, let's do this again real soon. Here have my nighty to remember me by. Night ladies, sweet dreams

09-07-2003, 11:31 PM
You can't go out into the street without your nighty, you'll get arrested!!

I'm leaving too ladies, I'm sorry I can't hang but my boss hates when I spend the night out and then can't get up for work in the morning. But I'll be up for this again anytime you want, Aimee. Take care all and don't be strangers!!

09-07-2003, 11:33 PM
Adios muchachos. I am going to "fry" my bangs. Thanks for coming to cheer me up. And CMJE, you got class girl! I'll take Victoria's Secret silk anyday! I got a sewing kit and woolite. Sleep tight, y'all
But, don't worry... the party's not over yet! ;)

09-07-2003, 11:33 PM
Night you guys! I should go, too. Daniel just woke up and I am going to spend some time with him. See you all real soon.

09-07-2003, 11:36 PM
Here I am!!!! Figures I get here when everyone is leaving!!! WEll hey maybe Amy will stay and have a big fat MARGARITA with me!!!!!:drunk2:

09-07-2003, 11:40 PM
Jen!!!! YAY! You are not late, you are right on time! Sit down and take a break. I make the phattest frozen strawberry margaritas. I'll make you one right now! Pity for a Dime is on. Let's rock out and drown out the blender for a minute.

09-07-2003, 11:42 PM
Woo Hoo Amy, Strawberry hugh! I could go for one of those buttery nipples too!:P By the way love that avatar!;)

09-07-2003, 11:43 PM
it's my book cover!! I have one signed and ready to mail out to you. I'll think about that tomorrow tho ok?

09-07-2003, 11:45 PM
Sure, right now lets think of loud music and men in leather!!!!!:pant: :syncdance

09-07-2003, 11:49 PM
ILLUSION - Another kick ass song. I might put that one on repeat and dance one. You wanna dance with me Jen???

09-07-2003, 11:52 PM
Hell yeah!!!!! Illusion is one of my most favorites!!!! :dancing:

09-07-2003, 11:58 PM
It's Midnight. Are you at work right now?

09-08-2003, 12:00 AM
Nope!!! I am at home with a cat in my lap ready to have some fun with you!!! Wish you were here, we could go out for a midnight stroll.... it is a beautiful night and the air is crisp!!! :D

09-08-2003, 12:14 AM
Oh Jen, that sounds like exactly what I need?! Do you want some wine? I have a bottle of Sauvigon Blanc 1998 "hincesti". Not that I can pronounce it. But it's very good.

09-08-2003, 12:17 AM
Sure bring it along and I will bring the cheese and crackers. There is a lake 3 minutes from my house and the moon is bright, it should be a great site!:D

09-08-2003, 12:22 AM
Hi Ya'll:dancing:
I have nuffin to get up for in the mornin but I'm pretty tired from the 7 hour car ride to get back to Ghetto land Missouri today:D I'll try to stay as long as I can:dancing:

09-08-2003, 12:25 AM
ok, let me finish my hair real quick. I will put on some Tori Amos for you. I saw her perform the other night in Orlando. Her parents were there, and her mom noticed me. We smiled at eachother. Though it's silly, I think it's cool that she can look out into the crowd and see a young redheaded girl wearing a bright red thrift store holly hobby dress amidst a sea of black and know that your daughter inspures this girl.

09-08-2003, 12:26 AM
Tori Amos.....cool!!! Love her music!

09-08-2003, 12:34 AM
Jen, what makes men so stupid sometimes?

09-08-2003, 12:37 AM
OMG.... I could be here all night answering that one!:rolleyes: I think a lot has to do with insecurities.... no matter how fortunate they are they always seem to need more... I always wonder why!:confused:

09-08-2003, 12:38 AM
Men are stupid cuz they think with their penis:D

09-08-2003, 12:40 AM
Let me get you a drink. I think we might be onto something here.

09-08-2003, 12:42 AM
I'll take some water please Aimee:P

09-08-2003, 12:44 AM
I will take a drink, how about a cosmopolitan!;)

09-08-2003, 12:47 AM
ooo I don't have one of those fancy funnel thingys. Do you?

09-08-2003, 12:49 AM
Hell yeah! You forgot I used to bartend!:cheers:

09-08-2003, 12:51 AM
Ok, I'm taking Creed's private jet over. My best friend almost has her pilot's license. Do you think they'd mind? I'd pay for the gas. It's jsut that I can't drive because I've been drinking, ya know? can't tyoe either.

09-08-2003, 12:54 AM
Sure bring that damn jet over, just be careful not to land in all the trees in my yard. Hey this could be fun, a private jet, bartender and a full tank of gas!!!!:dancing:

09-08-2003, 12:55 AM
Well, I hate to bee a party pooper but I am so darn tired:thud: I am ready for some:snooze: Goodnight!

09-08-2003, 12:57 AM
Dang! I wish I didn't drink all the champagne, Julie. I was about to invite you over to April's house for Cosmopolitans. Do you have to work tomorrow?

09-08-2003, 01:02 AM
I guess I better hit the sack too Amy it has been fun:D Hope you get that jet for the next night! I will be sure to have the cosmopolitans waiting!!!!:dancing:

09-08-2003, 01:02 AM
Nope! No work, I was just on the road for 7 hours today and that makes me tired early:( :embarass:

09-08-2003, 01:07 AM
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE AWESOME SLEEPOVER. YOU'RE THE BEST AND I FEEL MUCH BETTER NOW. Okay, I'll turn off the caps. I just don't know how to express my gratitude better than that.
*Amy turns off the light*

09-08-2003, 01:10 AM
Nite Aimee:)

09-08-2003, 02:40 AM
Hi Aimee,
It's Pacific Time here, so - darn, I think I missed all the early partying at the sleepover! Sounded like fun. Hope you are snoozing peacefully now, after having some relaxing beverages, some snacks and the warm, fun friendship of the CreedFeed! I miss you all! I am unwinding nowwith a glass of merlot while I bake a carrot cake to take to my parents tomorrw.
Sending big hugs all around to you and the rest of the gang!!
Good night and take good care :-)

09-08-2003, 10:22 AM
anyone see my pants?


09-08-2003, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by Mulletman
anyone see my pants?

LOL Mullet.......... I left them in the shower remember!;)

09-08-2003, 10:26 AM
Morning.....just coming over for the breakfast Aimee promised last night and to return Mulletman's pants, must have grabbed them on accident when I gave up my victoria secret's nighty...thanks Mulletman.....btw you have a hole in the seat area, can't imagine how it got there.

09-08-2003, 10:29 AM
Mullet we all knew you were a stud, but boy you sure know how to make all the girls squeel!;)

09-08-2003, 10:32 AM
Morning Jen, sorry to have missed you last night. I saw you guys partied a while longer after I left. I knew I should have stayed, sleeping is such a waste of time sometimes.

09-08-2003, 11:58 AM
:embarass: Well, I guess we'll have to make it brunch. I just went to the store and picked up some fresh warm bread, real butter, oj and apple juice. Cherries, watermelon, eggs, biscuits and SAUSAGE. I'm cookin it up right now. Can't you smell it? Oh, and I was so sorry that I drank the whole bottle of Champagne myself, that I bought another one. What do you think the oj's for? And before any of you lecture me about drinking too much lately, cheers!
ELAYNE! I knew I felt someone snuggling with me last night,
or was that Mullet? I realized he dissapeared until the lights went out...

09-08-2003, 12:12 PM
Glad you're home. I've been waiting for a good 2 hours now, hope you didn't mind me letting myself in. I did the dishes, put away the bottles and fed that puppy of yours that gave me the "got a treat for me?"-look. I brought 2 treats for him, one was brown, the other one red.....somehow he went for the red one instead...can anyone explain why that is?LOL....yeah the secret is out.

09-08-2003, 12:12 PM
Hey Amy, nice to see you finally got out of bed, I knew something was going on in that room!;)

09-08-2003, 12:23 PM
I have to run out, but y'all are welcome to run amuck in my house. Just be sure to light a match if you plan on blowing any holes in the porcelin okay?

09-08-2003, 02:55 PM
Amy seems like I missed all the fun! Wish I could have been there last night! I brought T-Bone along so he and Blister could play! Somebody pour me a BIG FAT DRINK!!!! ;)

09-08-2003, 09:30 PM
Has there been a pillow fight?

09-08-2003, 11:05 PM
since all you ladies are drunk by now at the sleepover, has there been any, you know, goin on?

09-08-2003, 11:23 PM
Wouldn't you love to know!!;)

09-09-2003, 12:23 AM
i sure would!

09-09-2003, 12:36 AM
Nothing going on here:D I'm the innocent party:angel: :P

09-09-2003, 08:07 AM
That's what we all want them to think Julie:naughty: :angel:

09-09-2003, 09:20 AM


09-09-2003, 03:37 PM
a2s: nice avatar!
Get up everyone! If you don't, I swear I'll turn off the air conditioning! We are going to the beach. I see the waves are killer!

09-09-2003, 04:32 PM
:crying: :crying: I MISSED THE SLEEPOVER!!:crying:

Oh well........:P I was sleeping over with my sweetie Anthony Kiedis!!! hehehehe!!!!!:D :) ;) :angel: :dancing: :dancing:

09-09-2003, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by Aimee
Get up everyone!  If you don't, I swear I'll turn off the air conditioning!  We are going to the beach.  I see the waves are killer! *Opens eyes, looks around, tries to take the cotton out of her mouth. Wonders why she's wearing Mullet's boxers. Goes back to sleep.

09-09-2003, 10:40 PM

09-10-2003, 05:53 AM

09-10-2003, 11:37 AM
For you youngsters who are still too young to drink, 'cottonmouth' is what you get after a long night of drinking, your mouth is dried out and feels like you've got a mouthful of cotton.

09-10-2003, 11:40 AM
Oh really? Cottonmouth, huh!

09-10-2003, 11:46 AM
Can anyone tell me how I ended up with Mullet's boxers on?

09-10-2003, 12:09 PM
I was beginning to wonder that myself!!!? :wtf:

09-10-2003, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by TeriB19
Can anyone tell me how I ended up with Mullet's boxers on?
Should we tell her girls?:P :lol:

09-10-2003, 01:38 PM
But maybe we should at least tell her how that hole got there.

09-10-2003, 01:52 PM
LMFAO at this party. Damn, wish I was able to stay longer, LOL!

09-10-2003, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by Aimee
But maybe we should at least tell her how that hole got there. Good heavens, please tell me that hole was there BEFORE I managed to get them on. The last thing I need is a little baby Mullet running around!!:P

09-12-2003, 10:17 PM
:confused: :eek: Wonder what it would like????????????:eek:

09-12-2003, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by Sheila63
Bec, if you're talking about Aero bars, Jen and I found some when we were in Orlando at a place we stopped for a smoothie the first night we arrived.  Then we went tooling around in her rented Montero looking for gated communities.:driving:  What great memories!!:D  You'll have to take a trip to FL to get some Aero bars, Carrie.  I never saw them anywhere here in my area.

I was thinking more of the fancy chocolates that I sent to Teri once - Haigh's and Darrell Lea. :) I bet she can't wait for some more to arrive soon! :D

09-12-2003, 11:32 PM
Waiting patiently at my mailbox EVERY day. The mailman is starting to think I've got a crush on him.

09-12-2003, 11:47 PM
I haven't even sent it yet!!!!!! :eek: ;)

09-12-2003, 11:51 PM
NOW she tells me!!:rolleyes::D

09-12-2003, 11:55 PM
Oi!! I told you before that I hadn't finished it up yet. Your appetite is jumping the gun. ;) :P

09-13-2003, 12:00 AM
I'm sorry, didn't you read my signature??

09-13-2003, 12:16 AM
LMAO at you guys, you crack me up.

09-13-2003, 12:22 AM
:runs into the thread: Hi ladies!! :)

09-13-2003, 12:28 PM
Rain! Don't run out on us. Oh shoot, we're out of ice. Okay run out on us but come back with ice okay? Then, Jen can make you a phat Cosmopolitan.

09-13-2003, 12:31 PM
I need one. I could surely use a drink after the night I had last night! ;)

09-13-2003, 03:40 PM
ok.....Im back, and I have come bearing ice, and kahluah...hehe white russians here I come....who wants one? :)

09-13-2003, 04:30 PM
I'll take one of those!!! And I've just ordered a pizza. Hope everyone likes pepperoni, sausage, onions, peppers, black olives and mushrooms.

09-13-2003, 04:42 PM
That pizza sounds good, Teri. Wanna put a slice or two on my plate. Thanks, I'm hungry.:)

09-13-2003, 06:23 PM
Yummy..Ill take a slice too :)

09-13-2003, 06:28 PM
Okay, here you go, Rain. Enjoy!!:D

09-13-2003, 09:55 PM
Hey, turn up the stereo, I think Aimee's sleeping and we need to rock her ass outta bed!!!!:dancing:

09-14-2003, 12:20 PM
Oh. My. God. Who painted my face with white out??? And why are my Doc Martens in the freezer??!! Oh well, I guess I'll have some pizza and a white Russian to go with my new tribal face tatoo.

09-14-2003, 12:26 PM
lol girl you better get your butt up outta that bed...heres that white russian to help wake ya up..;)