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What Happiness is..(G rated version) [Archive] - CreedFeed Community


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06-07-2003, 03:41 PM
Believe it or not sometimes I am actually a happy okay most of the time:wtf: ..so seriously guys..what is happiness to you....

Happiness to me is
1. my kids
*when they are smiling or laughing
*when they are sleeping (when you have kids you understand)
2.Heavy Metal---keeps me sane
3.Coffee(hey everyone has a vice, it's mine)
4. Great Sex..(it's me you knew it was coming..:lol:)
5. the sun shinning down on me...

06-07-2003, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by goddess_bb
Believe it or not sometimes I am actually a happy okay most of the time:wtf: ..so seriously guys..what is happiness to you....

Happiness to me is
1. my kids
*when they are smiling or laughing
*when they are sleeping (when you have kids you understand)
2.Heavy Metal---keeps me sane
3.Coffee(hey everyone has a vice, it's mine)
4. Great Sex..(it's me you knew it was coming..:lol:)
5. the sun shinning down on me...

Goddess, I completely agree with you about the kids when they are sleeping!! Totally sympathize!

Happiness to me is:
1. My kids when they are getting along {their fighting is the anti-happiness!!!:grr:}
2. Spending time alone with my hubby, be it out to dinner or sitting on the couch drinking a fine glass of wine
3. Being with my friends, dancing, talking, laughing and generally enjoying life. (my Creedfeed friends in particular)
4. Being on the rail directly in front of Mark. (heaven on Earth)
5. Seeing my mom with my kids and watching them all get excited at spending time together.

06-07-2003, 03:50 PM
1. Spending time with God
2. Family
3.Coming here and being with friends
4. Friends at home
5. Love
6.Money(sometimes. its good to have)
7. Creed's Music
8. Going Shopping(its always fun)
9. A great meal
10. Going for walks on nice sunny warm days:dancing:

06-07-2003, 05:08 PM
Happiness to me is:

My husband (a great guy!!)
My Family
My friends
My pets (no kids, just animals right now!!)
A smooth day at work that goes by fast!
A warm sunny day
A warm night to go out for walks
A really good dinner
Snuggling at night w/my hubby watching a good movie
CREED music blasting reeealy LOUD!!!!!!!:D

06-07-2003, 07:23 PM
...this shit blows..... kinda like this guy ~~~>>:godown:

06-07-2003, 07:36 PM
From the Book of Mullet, of latter day Man

- My girl
- My music
- My computers (no fucking suprise there)
- My musical instruments
- A good, interesting class
- A great concert
- A nice chilly, drizzly, gloomy day (No i am not sadistic, i just like gloomy days)
- Laying in bed under the covers with my girl on a cold rainy day... no need to get up, no need to do anything else
----- of course one of these wouldnt hurt :godown:

06-07-2003, 09:39 PM
For me, happiness is:

1. Singing along with Creed in my dorm room with the door open so everyone hears
2. Crashing with some friends to watch or go to a movie
3. Playing my guitar
4. The moment after you finish you last final of the school year
5. Great concerts
6. Playing around on the CreedFeed message boards :D
7. A bottemless pit of cold water when you're dehydrated
8. A plate of good food when you're starving
9. A romantic dinner for 2
10. :godown: :sex: (Me being the :D in both)


06-07-2003, 10:10 PM
Happiness to me is...

1. family :hugs:
2. music :note:
3. Creed :crest:
4. friends :cheers:
5. finding that special someone :luv:
6. waking up early on a weekend and relizing that you can go back to sleep :snooze:
7.the smell of fresh flowers :flowers: