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Old 05-16-2005, 10:19 AM   #53
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Quote: (Originally Posted by Higher_Desire) You're an idiot. Mormonism is NOT a cult, and NO ONE gets their own planet. Have you even read the beginning of this thread? Maybe you should.

Now onto the more important stuff...

The gates of hell will not prevail against the true church because it is the truth. The "true church" will not be brought down by evil.

Let me put it like this (how I believe it): Everyone in the world has the free agency to choose what they want to do, and everyone who ever has lived also had this. God does not force anyone to do anything. One person can construe the teachings. That is why the truth needed to be restored in it's fullness. Hence, it prevails. Look at it like this: in a boxing match, one of the contestants is not always winning, yet, in the end, one wins. This is the same. There has been a constant battle and evil does bring down truth, but truth will win out.

So, for the 1500 years from the third century until the nineteenth century, there was no true CHURCH? God let His children go without dircetion for 1500 years?! I simply will not accept that.

Quote: I never said I believe they're three people in God. Maybe you need to read my posts a bit slower. They are one in PURPOSE. Meaning, they teach the will of God, love, charity, kindness, compassion, etc.

Let's try it like this. Scott Stapp, Mark Tremonti, and Scott Phillips are three seperate people, yet for years, they had one purpose. That being Creed. Creed is not one person. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are not one person.

Then how do you explain the constant Bible passages claiming there is only one God?

Quote: Catholicism is the same as Christianity. The only reason they're referred to as different is because of the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches excommunicating each other because of fighting over doctrine, some of which had been changed. Mormonism, which is a sect of Christianity, also backs up teachings of early churches. That is to say, the correct things. Doctrines we also see in the Bible. They're aren't "mormon" writings from then because "mormonism" didn't exist as we know it today. Back then it was Christ's church. And don't you dare try to tell me that the Catholic doctrine has never changed.

Catholic doctrine HASN'T changed. It has developed, but not CHANGED. For instance, Papal infallibilty wasn't always taught in the exact form as it is now, but it has always been believed. I would dare you to find one doctrine of the Church which has "changed".

By the way, saying "we only believe in early church teachings if we see them in the Bible" is a little silly. Obviously, if ALL THESE CHURCH FATHERS believed doctrines (doctrines which you don't believe in by the way) then they must have found them in the Bible, or from the teaching of the Apostles. The entire early church (which you keep referring to as "Christ's church) cannot be wrong, can it? If so, it really isn't
Christ's church and there must never have BEEN Christ's church until the Mormons came along, and that jsut doesn't make any sense for Jesus to come to Earth and then wait 1800 years to establish His church.

Quote: And while we're on it... it is not the Mormon church. To refer to it, it is the LDS church. Mormon is a man who wrote part of the Book of Mormon, and was the main record keeper for a long period of time. It was passed through his family for the record to be kept. To call the church the Mormon church, is inaccurate.


Well whatever. It does not make a difference to me.
Titans baby, Titans.
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