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Old 06-01-2004, 02:10 PM   #35
Status: Blue Collar
Posts: 630
Joined: Feb 2003
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Thanks Marcos, what you said about the beauty of free will, is so very wise also.

If someone like myself were to be drafted, their free will would be taken away. Put into a kill or be killed situation, most would be killed, perhaps endangering others around them. If they did kill, their minds would be so damaged, they would relive the horror for the rest of their lives.

There are many soldiers, who spend the rest of their days in and out of mental hospitals, or destroying themselves with drugs, because they cannot live with what they have seen and done. What a sadness to know that they will never heal.

It is not a matter of bravery, in my own personal situation, that makes me believe war is wrong, but a deep love and respect for all living creatures, including man. Taking one life, to create freedom for another is something I cannot believe in.

Knowing what is right for yourself and your spirit is not something someone else can see, but what you feel inside.

If a draft were ever to happen in this country again, I would hope that the people making the final decisions would consider people like myself, and include them into a special area. Service to your country can take many forms, and there are many nonviolent areas that we could help.

Too many wonderful lives were lost in Vietnam due to random drafting.
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