Thread: Daily Bread
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Old 12-01-2012, 12:14 PM   #3123
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Re: Daily Bread


Yes we say that was in ancient times that does not happen today...Oh yes it does...maybe not in such a literal way but in every other way it does...

The congregations are told they will burn in hell if they stray from a certain way of living and if they choose to read anything out of the realm of the King James Version.

Anyone that teaches to go within is still called a heretic and their reputation is ruined. Those living in fear of being thrown into the lake of fire are terrified to go any further in listening or studying what their heart is calling them to do.

Jesus was called a heretic by the religious authority of this day, they said he healed by the authority of Satan and he was also killed publically. Then his truths were twisted and hidden by the same ones who killed him so others would not follow that path to the end. Your drawn in by those truths he exhibited but then somewhere halfway in the midst of the commitment, after baptism and after you become attached to the members, you realize..Something is not right with this whole picture...It is because only half of the truth is pull you into the flood of lies that follow.

I kept going, I didn't listen to the lies, but I listen to my heart...and I know my GOD is one of LOVE and Guidance...and He never leaves my side. Jesus is my friend and I see his whole truth in studying the other books..the Gnostics that the religious system has covered up and said to be heresy. The Gnostics teach to go within. It is what was left out of the other books that most follow today except for one important verse that they forgot to remove or change.

"nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:21

As soon as Oprah began to teach about going within, the churches declared her a heretic....they posted videos on you tube that millions watched and began to be in fear. They made websites...

These videos have put fear in people, and her career and reputation have been tarnished because of this. It is no different than burning people alive publically. It is the same!

Because think about it...what would happen if everyone knew you could go within...The religious system would crumble and world UNITY would dominate.
John Lennons song would become a reality...
This is the video posted about her:

And another:

I agree with her! If you do the research the truth will overcome the lies!

For a while I fell for it, I believed it was evil, I was part of a church that believed such as this, I not only stood up and confessed my sins publically on stage with a microphone in hand and I am marked on both hands, I also stood at the alter praying over the microphone when the entire congregation would come up weeping and bowing on their knees, and I saw people persecuted, and rejected because of being gay or because of the color of their skin...that changed me because I loved them for who they were...

If that makes me a heretic, then so be it!
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." ~Edgar Allan Poe

Last edited by Sasa : 12-01-2012 at 12:54 PM.
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