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Old 04-24-2005, 02:56 PM   #37
Forum Diplomat
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Quote: (Originally Posted by Johnnynips) Did anyone else notice that all the bashing has been done on the part of alter, I think Stapp is taking the turn the other cheek approach to show the guys he made a mistake.

For the past year and a half, Scott has taken the 'hiding under a rock' approach. Call it bashing, call it answering redundant questions, call it what you want, but Alter BRIDGE was just telling it like they saw it. Scott never had anything to say in reply.
**Wow, I just had to edit this because I didn't pay close enough attention to that first quote. TO SHOW THE GUYS HE MADE A MISTAKE????? WTF???
You don't turn the other cheek when you make a mistake. You own up to it and apologize. Wow. *shaking my head in disbelief.

Quote: ...Hopefully after the solo's Mark Scott and Brian will realize that creed wasn't about trying to be this ultra heavy band...which they are not with myles"I'm too 80's" Kennedy at the helm. It was about the fans and right now their sticking it up our but with this crap singer....
Again, that's your opinion. Don't really agree with it, many here think he's NOT a crap singer, but hey, you've got an opinion and your entitled to it.

Quote: God, you think that Stapp and Tremonti being childhood friends could get together and pull their sh@# together and say I'm Sorry.
If you got your history right, you'd know that Stapp and Tremonti were NOT childhood friends. They went to the same high school together but did not travel in the same social circles. Big difference. To quote Elton John, SORRY seems to be the hardest word.

Quote: Alter bridge is a great way to feel a little better about the absence of creed, but as a diehard fan it angers me every day that they aren't together anymore. They were on track to being one of the best bands ever, now their working their way into obscurity with some poser who thinks he is a rockstar...Tremonti phillips still rule but this has got to end.
To quote some even MORE famous people, right here on this board, Get Over It. Sorry you're angry, but you'll get glad again. We've all had plenty of time to digest it, accept it and move on, as have both Mark, Flip, Brian and Scott. You should try it, it's a much better feeling, rather than keeping that anger inside. If you don't like Alter Bridge and their 'poser' of a lead singer, don't listen to them. But don't come here and bash them because your panties are in an angry bunch.
MK: We're never gonna have the Super Bowl of Scott Stapp vs. Myles Kennedy in a sing-off - it's ridiculous.

SP: Actually, we are setting that up.

MT: It was in your contract when you signed up with us.

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