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Old 03-22-2006, 08:25 PM   #3
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Re: Most in U.S. Favor Death if Saddam Is Convicted

Quote: (Originally Posted by Ana4Stapp) Well...I think he must to be condemned by the justice to pay for all of his cruel acts...but I dont think about the death penalty as a solution...

and for the poll in countries you mentioned Im surprised that you dont add Brazil as a country that has people who supported Saddam governement...

Good deal for Hussein then. Gets to brutally execute thousands of his own people and only gets life... which will most likely include 3 meals a deal, a roof over his head, and some showers. A little better than what those victims had. You know, the ones who were all thrown into one giant hole in the ground and were stacked on top of each other while there family members at home had no idea where they were. I don't know if there is punishment great enough for people like this. I do believe that the Iraqis should convict him and execute him.
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