Thread: Daily Bread
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Old 03-17-2013, 09:31 AM   #3219
Status: Blue Collar
Posts: 620
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Re: Daily Bread

To Forget and To Remember

"My awareness was larger now. So large, that it seemed to take in the entire universe. Have you ever listened to a song on a static filled radio station? You get used to it. Then someone adjusts the dial and you hear the same song in it's full clarity. How could you have failed to notice how dim, how far away, how untrue to the original it was before?"

Excerpt. Chapter 18 "Proof of Heaven"

After I read this something clicked inside me...and I remembered what happened all the years of growing that my song was slowly adjusted away from the original by outside sources and the illusion that love is on the outside was slowly fed to me by lies. LOVE is inside you first....then its projected and reflected on the outside.

We grow up adjusting away from who we are to please others and to gain love and acceptance from them. When we are cheating ourselves slowly over time. We betray ourself our true self...and enter a destructive cycle that only gets worse until we REMEMBER...and have the courage to RETURN TO LOVE. All the false friends, family and others are shed from us...and those left are the ones who really love us...because we have returned to the core of our being and loved ourself once more. After that the ones who come into our lives...they love us too...and life is so much better IN LOVE.

Have a great day! til...the sun sets again!

My "own" Prison


Bullets (watch it again with new eyes)

My Sacrifice (watch it again with new eyes)

"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." ~Edgar Allan Poe

Last edited by Sasa : 03-17-2013 at 10:15 AM.
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