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Old 12-19-2005, 04:47 PM   #12
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Re: Who Would You Like to See Run in 2008?

Quote: (Originally Posted by Steve) Hilary is far too liberal to win over a majority of votes in lots of the red states, and even some of the blue states. If Kerry couldn't pull it off, she's got no chance.

I found a very interesting article regarding Hilary a couple weeks ago (I'll have to find the actual URL) that was pointing out Hilary's voting record in the Senate. Prior to a couple of months ago she was voting against most of the conservative and moderate bills being proposed in the Senate. Then all of a sudden Bill Clinton started making public appearances and giving speeches regarding how Bush screwed up the war and that the troops need to come home. At that same time that Bill started giving these speeches, Hilary changed her voting patterns in the Senate and began voting very moderately. The analyst of the piece pointed out that without a moderate, semi-moderate belief system she probably wouldn't win an election. Seems as if she's preparing herself for a White House run.

Regarding the poll, I think you left out some key people that may be running. I don't think Kerry will win the nomination after his debacle last election. One of the top names being thrown around in the democratic party is Senator Feingold of Wisconsin. Another senator is also being tossed out there but I can't remember his name right now.

I only put the two front runners from the Republicans and Democrats. There were recent polls done that put Hillary and Rudy as the two contenders in 2008. There are guys like Newt Ginrich, Bill Frist, Mit Romney... and some others who may run. I think McCain is the best choice, but the only issue with him is his age. That may deter him from running. We shall see though.
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