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Old 01-29-2006, 01:49 AM   #7
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Re: Mexican Army Likely Involved in Smuggling

I'm receptive to legal immigrants to this country. Like I've said before, San Diego has a bustling Brazilian population. If there have been a few stories of Brazilians complaining about the hastle of getting America, there is probably more to the picture. You have to look at a few things, the U.S. is being flooded by illegal immigrants from Latin America. Our largest inflow of immigrants nowadays are from Latin America (primarily Mexico) and Asia. Due fo Mexico's close proximity to the U.S. we are having a horrible problem with illegal immigration. Brazilians, and other South Americans, seem to take the proper path to coming to America. However, there is a major problem with the Mexican government. They are so corrupt that they don't allocate finances properly to their people... and they also ENCOURAGE their citizens to hop the fence. If Mexicans can get across our border that easily, then surely Al Qaeda could. If drugs can get smuggled, so could chemical agents.

Being a neighbor of the United States doesn't give you a free pass to come to this nation.
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