Thread: I love Tremonti
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Old 10-26-2006, 11:39 PM   #50
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Re: I love Tremonti

Quote: (Originally Posted by Robin101) Uncertain, it had to be you caught in the middle of a multi-page arguement that's slowly spiralling out of control!!

Finally someone who was here back when I was, heh

Quote: I respect your knowledge but I have to disagree with you on a few points - just a difference of opinion.

Which is perfectly understandable. I don't want everyone to agree with me on everything.

Well... yes I do, but I don't expect it, at the very least

Quote: I wouldn't consider Burn It Down to be Mark's best attempt at songwriting. Any song that begins with the lyric 'Drank so much last night I think that I drowned' can't be going in the right direction. The chorus is pretty decent though.

You are correct, that line sucks. I was actually thinking more of the instrumental writing than the lyrics. As I have said, I think his lyrical work on ODR is abysmal.

Quote: I'd consider Metalingus and, yes, In Loving Memory to be his best attempts. They wouldn't win any awards for creativity but they are strong and to the point - you know where he's coming from.

Well Metalingus is the archetype for what Mark is great at. Powerful riffs. In terms of the lyrics... meh. I don't think they are terrible, but they certainly aren't particularly good.

As for ILM... I can tell when a song's writing isn't very good when I love it the first time, like it the second time, am indifferent to it the third time, and slowly start hating it. Point being that writing should hold up to constant listenings, not wilt under repetition. The problem is that he is so repetative as it is that after you listen to it a few times, I'm just like "ugggggghhhh"

Quote: Overall, his lyrics are not great but this was his first attempt at writing a full album and I expect the best is yet to come. He does have a unique way of constructing songs lyrically. I'm pretty sure he wrote Torn from My Own Prison. Look at the writing style of that song and it's very similar to those on ODR.

I definitely hope his lyrics get better, but I'd rather have Myles write some, heh. I will never say there is no hope for anyone at improving their writing, he just seems to be strong in other places. As for Torn, I really like that song. It is too long, but it is great. It is a little over five minutes, but that is indulgent. There is not enough material in the song to last that long. However, the song itself has some great points of note, they just strung it out too long.

Quote: I'm actually a bigger fan of Mark's work in Creed. I love the intricate (if that's the right word) intros to songs like Torn, What's This Life For, One Last Breath and What If. I agree with you regarding his contribution to songs like Bullets and Unforgiven - a great song (even lyrically, I think you would agree - Mr Stapp deserves a pat on the back for that one?).

In terms of writing intros... He is terrific. I mean, really, his intros are fantastic. Actually, now that I think about it, if he would write the verses the way he writes his intros, he would make a huge step in the right direction. For instance, in One Last Breath, (a song which, unfortunately, Stapp ruins and the chorus is factory made) the verse is exceptional on the guitar. He plays an intricate finger picking pattern that is absolutely remarkable, given his status quo verses on other songs. If he would do more of that... *drools*

The problem is that he gives up after the intro. Like, I don't know if maybe Stapp didn't like singing to more complicated stuff (maybe he couldnt--he is not particularly talented, after all), or what, but Mark seems to have gotten into the habit of dumbing all his songs down (part of this is, of course, the movement in Creed's attitude from being good to being popular), and in AB, where he no longer has to do that, he just seems to be doing it on instinct. Hopefully that changes, because he has the chops to play anything, Myles can sing to anything, and they have plenty of potential. They just need to add creativity to their bag of tricks.

As for unforgiven... I am having trouble recalling the lyrics at the moment, but I liked Creed in the MOP days. They were good. Sure, they had some clunkers (what's this life for, the title track, one), but the majority of that album was good. Sure, Scott's lyrics were boring and often preachy but sometimes he got a few good things in there, like unforgiven if I remember correctly. And unforgiven is a great song; along with Bullets, it is another fast, heavy, unrelenting riffage style song. Just the kind of songs I say Mark has a particular aptitude for.

Quote: I had to laugh at the comment about your good self trying to turn this into an AB Vs Stapp thread. We all know you're Stapp's biggest fan!! Are the rumours true that you have his name tatooed on your forehead?

Lol, I know... I was... dumbfounded by that comment.

Quote: Stapp a loser...I have to disagree with you on that one.

Meh, do as you will. I think *most* stars are losers. Part of the reason I stick w/ Alter Bridge is that they seem to be pretty upstanding guys. Maybe they aren't and it is all a facade, but the facts point otherwise.

I won't hate a band/musician for being terrible role models, but I will usually like them more if they aren't.
Titans baby, Titans.
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