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Old 04-26-2003, 09:19 PM   #609
Forum Diplomat
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Ok, here's one that you guys would NEVER guess from me. Scott and Jaggar are on the beach and I bring my two girls down and we happen to take the spot right next to them [my hubby's in Houston right now, so let's pretend I'm a single mom just for one day!]. I am going out of my mind trying to keep my girls from arguing with each other (trust me, this is NOT a stretch of the imagination!) when Scott yells over "Hey, looks like you've got your hands full, would they like to play with my son?". Thrilled to give them a diversion, we send all three kids about 8 feet away to go build a sandcastle. He sees how tense I am because being a single mom is really stressful (sorry Don!). He suggests that he rub my shoulders and once he starts I completely melt! We spend the rest of the day together on the beach, he and I getting along just fine and the kids all playing together nicely. When it's time to go he suggests that we drop the kids off at his son's nanny after they get cleaned up and we go out for a nice adult dinner, some nice adult conversation and who knows what else....

We have some good food, some great wine and head back to that same beach to take a moonlight stroll. We happen upon a lifeguard stand, and climb up for a rest. As we sit together on the lifeguard stand, under a full moon and watching a calming tide come in and out, he puts his arm around my shoulders to warm me up (like I need that, right?). Gently, he leans close to me and kisses me. All stress goes completely out of my body and the rest of the night is spent tangled passionately on that lifeguard stand until it's time to get back to reality and pick up my girls.
MK: We're never gonna have the Super Bowl of Scott Stapp vs. Myles Kennedy in a sing-off - it's ridiculous.

SP: Actually, we are setting that up.

MT: It was in your contract when you signed up with us.

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