Thread: my first post
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Old 06-06-2005, 08:06 PM   #14
uncertaindrumer's Avatar
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Quote: (Originally Posted by Anarkist) Ok uncertain I have a question for you ok you ready for this?

You’re married to some one you love dearly she is 6 1/2 months pregnant. The Doctor tells you that there is a 99% chance she will die during the birth and that there is an 82% chance the baby won't survive the birth either. What do you do? Do you get an abortion? Do you sit there and watch you wife die and hope your baby survives? It is an honest question and I really don't want the answer that you would just pray about it because that is a given.

for that matter what would any of you do?



First off, there are no cases that I know of (and here's one for you, my Dad's is a Professor in medicine for twenty year,s so he knows his stuff!) in which this is a possibility, especially considering that almost all of the diseases that DO do something like this are never that sure, and usually are known about before pregnancy. But I'll take your example.

No, you do not abort the baby. That is MURDER. Would you kill a thirty year old innocent man to keep your wife from dying? It is the same situation to me.
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