Thread: Is yoga evil?
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Old 10-26-2003, 01:36 AM   #20
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In response to this thread question, my answer would be, "That's a big negative - as far as I can see and feel it!! " Yoga means "union" - with the divine. This science/discipline/practice...whatever you want to call it (BUT NOT EVIL) is over, 5,000 years and the classical practices have to do with preparation for meditation. Sure, yoga has recently become a fad that focuses primarily on the physical aspect and it's breadth and true purpose has been diluted. With roots from traditions that practice a 'direct path to the Absoulute' it is no wonder that some people have questions and fear.
My final comment is...TRY IT FROM A REPUTABLE TEACHER...and see if it doesn't help you feel more at peace, loving and closer to your God!
..our youth will never die!
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