Thread: Daily Bread
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Old 04-28-2012, 08:21 AM   #2987
Status: Blue Collar
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Re: Daily Bread

New Journey...28 Days!

Instead of 5 things everyday I am thankful for it's gone to 10 with the addition of why am I thankful for each listing. The goal is to get to a point in life where I am saturated with grattitude and love (love of God, of Nature, of self, of others). No matter if my life may consist of things that happen to flesh..since we are flesh at this present moment. It is a way of SEEING how to appreciate even when I may be surrounded with not so nice situations.....but that is only in the beginning. When we graduate from this journey..the results will be astounding and our life MAGICAL!

This is DAY 1! The book is called THE MAGIC. Just started it, it was FREE came to me in the mail. It is about being thankful and learning to apply it daily with specific applications. I have chosen to join a support group of appreciation.

It's a forum compiled of members from all over the world and we each share what we are thankful for daily. Its just a forum like this one, but it seems to hold you more accountable and reading posts from others is beautiful. It's nice to see what others appreciate in their lives. Some use the most beautiful words to describe the simplest things that I may take for granted.

The book begins with a quote from the Book of Matthew the very verse that used to puzzle me...and I used to think that it sounded so unfair. But I understand it now and it is a natural law. It was given to educate us and make us wiser about how we think. I think of it as a state of mind.

"Whoever has... will be given more, and he will have an abundance, whoever does not have...even that which he has will be taken away." Matt 25:29

Its about my thinking process...If I think and talk about how much I do not have...that is exactly what will follow as a result. ..Because in repeating those complaints ..I believe them...when I appears in some energetic form with the same pattern of energy. (neg or pos)

If I think on abundance and act accordingly ...guess what...abundance follows. (That energy pattern is filled to the brim)

Have you ever listened to yourself in a conversation, the things we say to those closest to us about our lives and our self situations. Is it good? Or is it full of complaining and negativity? Every word we speak, every thought we think is shaping our tomorrow. How do you and I want tomorrow to look?

The past has nothing to do with the power we hold within our mind in this moment (NOW) will be dissipated as long as I choose to dissolve it. (with my words, thoughts and actions) Miracles do happen!

Miracle: 1. A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is considered to be divine. 2. A highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment.

"When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around." Willie Nelson (singer, songwriter)

"Better to lose count while counting your blessings than to loose blessings to counting your troubles." Maltbie B. Babcock (writer, clergyman)

Want to see what I am doing today? Ever been tubing...(3 hour trip)?
snakes, gar (fish with big teeth), crickets, rapids, wild dogs...big frogs...lots of sunscreen.

This is a GAR..

Gonna have FUN! I need some sun on my legs...
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." ~Edgar Allan Poe

Last edited by Sasa : 04-28-2012 at 08:25 AM.
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