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Old 02-26-2004, 12:54 PM   #36
Status: Blue Collar
Posts: 630
Joined: Feb 2003
Currently: Offline
Mulletman, I would not have read your post, as you are the one and only person that I ever put on my ignore list. However, it came thru on my e-mail from CreedFeed. I'm glad that it did. I always want to be open to people and their views, and learning about you on your post, let me know you a little better. Thank you for posting on this thread.

Dogstar, it sounds like you have the best of both worlds in your area. I also like international foods, and diversity. Your welcome, regarding my starting this thread. I am one of those people that look directly into the eyes of the people that I am speaking with, or listening to the inflections of the voice, when speaking on the phone. Sometimes I think it is difficult to e-mail strangers, but this way, I can create a picture in my mind. Thanks for letting me know what you life and city are like. I can really understand each of the posters a little better, knowing how they live, and what they see when they look around themselves.

Julbright, the old and the new in your area being blended together, sound much like my own area. I also saw on a new thread that you are considering a possible move to Switzerland. That sounds like an exciting change, and exposing your daughters to others cultures would be an experience that they would remember through out their lives. My son was just going thru some old pictures of my parents, and there were some old black and whites of Switzerland, and even they looked pretty. If you don't ski now, be sure to learn if you do move. Skiing in those mountains would be incredible.

PaulMcCoygirl, it sounds like you may meet another CreedFeeder. That's really cool.
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