Thread: Mtv Sucks
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Old 10-13-2002, 09:08 PM   #14
Status: Illusion
Posts: 15
Joined: Oct 2002
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MTV = Teenage control device

MTV is about telling us what to wear, how to think, who to follow, what's hot, what's not, and who to model ourselves after, all the while making HUGE profits from merchandise sales. The most profitable sales can be made from obviously hitting up the most merchandisable music markets -- rap and pop ... Rap sells from rappers talking about their brands, clothing, what they like, what's cool...pop sells from pure mass hysteria due to peer pressure...caps, shoes, watches, clothing, heck, even games ... (**shudder** may Britney's Dance Beat burn in PS2 Hell...)

Has anyone ever heard a respectable rock band sing about wearing platinum rings with platinum chains, along with their Fubu's, or riding they're Bentleys, or backing that proverbial "azz up", or about how they "Oops, Did It Again"?

(Yes, I realize I'm being excessively stereotypical, not all rap/pop music is about making money, but most of it is...)

I mean, is Britney really about her music or making money? What about N'Sync? Bah.

MTV is about making money. VH1 is about good music, with a message.
Rap/Pop is about making money. Rock is about good music, with a message.

Any questions?
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