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Old 04-21-2003, 08:01 PM   #55
Posts: n/a
well, all that buddism is, is just a collection of ideas, and things that are fell - good. Ephesisians 2:8-9. "For by grace have you been saved and that not of yourselves. It is a gift from God, not as a result of works, that no man should boast."

All Buddism is a system of works that in no way can merit eternal life, which is the "gift" mentioned in the above verse.

There is no scientific discovery that can prove buddism to be false. But there are the words of God that prove it to be false. If I remember the religion correctly, Buddism, is a system of good things that you are supposed to do (In the Bibile, they are called "works"). If you do them you will be happy, and will have eternal life in heaven. (Well you will be happy, but not to the highest point of happiness that you could have in life. That happiness only comes though Christ. John 14:6, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.") If you do not do the good things, you will not go to heaven, but to hell, to be punished for not being good.

So, as you can see, there is not enough information to disprove. Sure, all the things that Buddah teaches are good things, but not good enough to get you to heaven. In fact, no work is good enought to get you in to heaven. The only way is through faith in Christ.

Does that make sense?

Another question, please?
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