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Old 10-02-2006, 03:58 PM   #37
Lunar Shadow
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Re: I found this interesting.

Quote: (Originally Posted by Canuckfish) Either they exist or they do not. People are free to choose what they believe.
Either or fallacy

you are ignoring the fact that there could be some other option.

if you need to know what fallacies are go here

Quote: (Originally Posted by Canuckfish) Merely stating this does not make it so. You will evaluate any apparent contradictions based on your presupposition that the Bible is NOT the infallible word of God. The Christian will evaluate any apparent contradictions based on their presupposition that the Bible IS the word of God. Your point is moot. We have to examine the validity of our presuppositions to reach any conclusion.
here is a list of contradictions lets see is you can combat them

Quote: (Originally Posted by Canuckfish) I have given you proof. The proof that God exists is that without Him you couldn't prove anything. You want to be CONVINCED that that proof is valid.
You have failed to give proof because your sight twists logic and there for it looses it wich is the opisite of what you have been trying to do with it.

Quote: (Originally Posted by Canuckfish) I have shown you the proof of God's existence. Rather than suggest that the argument supporting the validity of your human reason, without using human reason, is going to be 'Big,' just think about it first. You cannot do it. You may try if you like though.
You have failed to prove god or to prove that even if her existed how he is reposible for logic and reason. The link you provided offered nothing more than the suposed nature of god. Since you have already killed the christian model of god in discussion with Ralphy, there is no point at this time to address this because it has become moot as well, soon we will have nothing more to discuss because all points will have become moot. (lol)

Quote: (Originally Posted by Canuckfish) For one, because Christianity is the ONLY worldview that provides a logical foundation for universal, abstract, invariant laws. You may posit another. I will be pleased to refute it.
You miss the point... There is nothing about Jesus that is unique in his story... The retelling of myth (dying and rising god myth in this case) is an old practice. Lets see who else is there off the top of my head that pre-dates Jesus, that has a very similar or an identical story as him... Dyonisis, Mythras, Osiris, Apolonious. are a few that come to mind... Have you read up on them? have you studied their stories? Did you even know of their existance?

Quote: (Originally Posted by Canuckfish) You realize that this is a nice sentiment but a meaningless statement coming from an atheist. How can an abstract concept 'be with' anybody in your worldview?
Peace is not an abstract concept because it is observable. You really like ignoring reality when using your definitions of words don't you? if we can observe war then we can observe peace

Quote: (Originally Posted by Canuckfish) You directed me to a forum where you called me a pretty low name. I have decided to answer some of your objections, but really after that, I certainly was not obliged to.
then by all means if I offended you then don't talk to me. you never were under any obligation to, name or no name. plain and simple I could drop this convertation right now becasue I don't owe you anything, much as you don't owe me anything.
Lunar Shadow

Last edited by Lunar Shadow : 10-02-2006 at 04:40 PM.
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