Thread: Dear Jesus
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Old 05-04-2005, 04:20 PM   #1
Status: Faceless Fan
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Dear Jesus

Dear Jesus,
Are you there
Can you hear me
Please hear my cry
This cry of my heart
All the days that pass
The pain grows deeper
Dear Jesus,
Help me through this
Erase the pain
Oh this dreadful world
This awful place
Take me away
They have so much hate
I dont understand
Dear Jesus,
Hold me tight
When I sob late at night
Tired of this fight
Wipe the tears the trace
That trikle down my face
I know you are here
I feel your healing hand
The sweetest sound
Oh how I've found
My Jesus take me home
Where I belong
You watch over me daily
You see the pain and hate this
World creates
Dear Jesus,
Stay with me
Take care of me
The aggreviation
The tension
The heavy sadness
Dark clouds that gloom
We have met our doom
My heart aches for you Jesus
Dear Jesus,
Hear my prayer
Hear this plea
This plea of suffering
I hear our father say
Be still daughter for I am with you
Dear God,
I hear you
You say I must stay
Help this world
Dear God,
I know I must submit
Submit to your ways
The only ways
Dear Jesus,
Thanks for dying
For me
Thanks for loving me
Dear God,
You hear my prayers
You answer them
All true
Dear God,
Save this world
Dancing around...
With joy found...
The music in my head loud...
Joyful noises sound...
Happiness surrounds...
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