Thread: A Knight's Tale
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Old 04-12-2004, 12:13 PM   #15
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Hahahaha, most of the time we just don't talk to each other (though he sits right next to me), so I wouldn't call it untenable, but it is annoying. I would never let him get the better of me, that 's for sure. No job is perfect and everywhere I have worked there have been a few knuckleheads to take away a little of the fun, but no biggie. The thing is, he's a sad, bitter person and he takes it out on his colleagues and everyone else is afraid to confront him when he does or says something they don't like. He's a bigot and says some really meanspirited things and that's when we usually tussle, or when it's work-related and he's flat-out wrong. Most people in my department won't stand up to him because they're afraid he will cut them down. He's cut me down undeservedly and I have taken him to task for it. There isn't a person in the building who likes this guy and that is really, really sad. I view him as a challenge most of the time. Sometimes, I think God's testing me, and sometimes, I admit I fail, LOL...
Silly monkeys give them thumbs
they make a club and beat their brother down.
How they survive so misguided is a mystery.
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