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Old 02-14-2005, 02:40 AM   #66
Forum Diplomat
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I love both Soundgarden and Pearl Jam, but Eddie Vedder can write circles around Chris Cornell lyrically. Vedder is one of the most amazing storytellers EVER. When I listen to PJ, I get pictures in my mind of the people in his stories, his songs. And the stories make you feel. Not that Cornell can't write, because I love Soundgarden a ton, but Vedder is just an awesome writer.

And McCready is the shit. Again, this is a player who plays with feel along with skill. What about Black? That guitar almost speaks to you in that song, and that's just one example. Also, for chops, check out November Hotel on the Mad Season CD and tell me he isn't kick-ass.

And right on, hide, about PJ evolving and changing and not giving in to the formulaic crap that pervades radio. What they put out is a gazillion times deeper, cerebral and entertaining than crap like the pseudo-punk pop bands all over the charts. I like music that takes me on a trip, that makes me think, that makes me feel. Both Soundgarden and Pearl Jam do that for me.
Silly monkeys give them thumbs
they make a club and beat their brother down.
How they survive so misguided is a mystery.
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