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Old 07-10-2004, 05:46 PM   #58
Status: Blue Collar
Posts: 630
Joined: Feb 2003
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When I was growing up, we got a dog. A free puppy from a Dairy Queen. (icecream store)

Her favorite trick was to steal the soft fabric slipper from my Mother's foot, and run around the house shaking it. When it was returned, it had to be washed, as it was greatly loved and very spitty. She died many years ago, and I will remember her always.

When I was in the position to get my own dog, and had my own home, we got a black lab. She was my friend, protector, and joy.

When she was just a young pup, I took her to my parents house. Running over to my Mother, she gently took my Mother's slipper in her mouth by the heal, removed the lower portion of the slipper, then took the slipper by the toe, and slipped it off her foot. This was the same technique used by my first dog. Running off to shake the dickens out of it, I smiled at her and looked at my Mother. Her jaw had dropped, and she turned to me and asked "When did you teach her that?" I replied "I didn't Mom, you know I always go barefoot".

I had always told her that I thought my black lab, was my first dog who had come in to my life for a second time, but my Mother didn't believe in the possibility.

I think she considered the idea after that day. I have no doubts. My beautiful black lab passed away a few years ago. I also have little Molly who reminds me of the only other dog I grew up with. Nikki, my second black lab has funny little habits just like my sister's dog, who lived with us for a time in her life, and I believe has come back into my life again.

I love the idea that my animals have remained in my life, I know some may consider this idea strange, but I don't, not after what I have experienced.
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