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Old 07-25-2009, 06:42 PM   #1
DuoMaxwell's Avatar
Status: Illusion
Posts: 19
Joined: Jul 2009
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Hey hey, how's it goin'!

I'm Duo. Duo Maxwell. I may run and hide, but I never tell a lie. Heh, that's me in a nutshell! My best friends are Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton, Quatre Winner, Wufei Chang, Relena Peacecraft, and my girl, Hilde Schbeiker. They call me "The God Of Death". Anyone who sees me's got a date with his maker!

In real life:Okay, I couldn't help myself. My introduction to Creed was in 2009. I don't remember what the first song I heard by them was, but the second song I heard (I think) was My Own Prison, and this was when I was on vacation in North Carolina, and I was at an amusement park, and I played it on the jukebox, because I didn't know what else to play. I had been playing the shit out of Aerosmith and Pink Floyd (my all-time favorite band, The Wall is the greatest album ever made!), and when I first heard them, I didn't become a HUGE fan right away, I just thought they were pretty good. But in late 2000, I started to get into the japanese anime, Gundam Wing, and when I was looking for Gundam Wing stuff on the internet, I came across a GW video set to their song "What If":, only it wasn't on YouTube when I found it obviously, because we didn't have YouTube back then. I thought the video kicked so much ass! And it was part of my introduction to what are known as "Anime Music Videos". No less than two days later, I immediately bought the Scream 3 soundtrack when I went to K Mart. I drove my mother crazy, because I played the shit out of the song and the video. I kept associating the song with Gundam Wing all the time, and I eventually bought My Own Prison, and Human Clay, but not at the same time though. What If is still my favorite song of theirs 9 years later. And I remember I would pretend the AMV for the song was an official video, and I'd play the AMV and the regular video in two separate players back when I first became a fan.
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