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Old 07-08-2010, 08:54 PM   #14
Status: Blue Collar
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Re: Adam and Eve's Sin

I watched Shephards Chapel for years... Studying deeply and for hours at a time. Have you seen the You tube video of him trying to shoot one of the people in the audience...for calling him a blasphemer...pretty bad stuff. Kind of made me think twice about who I was listening to. I didn't like that...

I stopped listening to an authority and began to listen to God through many outlets, He guides me.. I kind of expanded and let God lead me to answer my questions..and it comes from an amazing amount of places. No one denomination in particular although I did join a church, which I have more positive experiences than negative..but I still have issues with fundamentalism. I am not a fundamentalist..I believe in freedom...and one's right to choose. I believe in the LOVE Christ exhibited. I have yet to find my place in worship, but I believe I will soon.
I agree with you about Christ...In my opinion He is bigger than religion. You can't put Him in a box..or a building. He is the living example of perfect UNITY with GOD. PERFECT MODEL...and my Savior.

George Washington is said to be a freethinker...A Mason....(

QUOTE from George: ""My attachment to the Society of which we are all members will dispose me always to contribute my best endeavors to promote the honor and prosperity of the Craft" (Sachse, 1915). Later in the same speech he said that the Masonic institution was one whose liberal principles are founded on the immutable laws of truth and justice and whose grand object is to promote the happiness of the human race."
(1797 address to the grand lodge)

another thing...He prayed constantly..he PRAYED and meditated.

Another quote: " The greatest enemy of religion and freedom is not the devil nor somebody else's religion. It is fanaticism (excessive intolerance of opposing views.)" In reference to fundamentalism.

There is a painting in the White House called the Apotheosis of George Washington..its a depiction or George Washington becoming godlike.

Apotheosis – n. (pl. apotheoses) 1 the highest point in the development of something. 2 elevation to divine status.

I am a Dan Brown fan...I was drawn to him because he is highly intelligent about symbology..and when you read his books he actually teaches some facts about history that is sometimes rare. In his book The Lost Symbol there are things in that book that will blow your mind. If you would like to borrow mine may...I just finished it. LOVED IT. So will you especially if you like history.

I am also very interested in Native Americans and yes ...they shared beautiful truths that were natural and pure. They have much to teach us..even today.

Its interesting talking to you..thank you for that information on George..I didn't know that about him..kind of gave me the chills because I just finished reading about him.

God Bless!!
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." ~Edgar Allan Poe

Last edited by Sasa : 07-09-2010 at 07:53 AM.
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