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Old 01-03-2003, 11:17 AM   #3
Status: Broken Dream
Posts: 154
Joined: Sep 2002
Currently: Offline
Quote: Originally posted by souldancer
The biggest lesson I face right now, as I am more reclusive and interior than usual is to be a lion that can, keep poised with my beliefs and ocassionally go out of the fence and be comfortable socially. While I understand peer pressure and 'following the norm' - i think, relationships are like 'peace'. It is dang easy to be peaceful in my room with the candle lit, but darn hard to keep that peaceful feeling when 'out in the world' - yet, I believe that is the goal - to carry and bring that peace forward.

Indeed, to be at peace with what you are, wherever you are, at any time.

I also try to maintain peace in social situations, but sometimes get nervous. Compounding the problem, I get tense about the nerves and fight that feeling and the whole thing can spiral out of control. I need to be ok with the nervousness, let go.

"The more we live, let go" Jon Anderson
"These bodies are perishable, but the Dweller in them is eternal."

—The Bhagavad Gita
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