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Old 07-13-2004, 12:40 PM   #4
Ann Allusion
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Posts: 912
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Quote: Whatever happened to our anthem that we were all created equal?
Why are we all casting stones when we are all just as sinful?
When did we become so unloving and our hearts become stone?
How can we all leave our fellow man cold and alone?
When did we become the church that only started for the greed, power, and praise?
Running around shouting orders like we have ran out of days

I'm taking a stand and I hope you will take my hand
I'm drawing the line in the sand in this decaying land
I'm not casting anymore stones at our fellow man
I don't even care if I'm the only one, because I can

the part i quoted was the "meat" of the whole piece...most excellent writing...

i have always wondered why so many "voiceless" are condemned by the very people that should understand them...
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