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Old 01-30-2004, 11:03 PM   #18
Status: Naked Toddler
Posts: 226
Joined: Apr 2003
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But, I think one has to be aware that a positive message can be taken from a non-christian band. For example... "Given to Fly". The whole message behind it is,(IMO) you will face hard times in life, you will be beaten down, but... you are still "given to fly". I use that as a constant reminder in my life. Something doens't go my way or a bunch of things don't go my way, I will get down on myself and blah blah blah. But, that song is a constant reminder that if you choose to accept it, you ARE given to fly. When I hear it, I repace "he's given to fly" with "i'm given to fly". There are a bunch of other examples as well. Good things can come out of "negative"(in the christian sense) occourances.(i.e., eve eating the apple)
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