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Old 10-13-2003, 05:54 PM   #12
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Quote: Originally posted by MrSeeker
I wouldnt be so sure. The Bible clearly says, No way,but through Jesus Christ.  
Why the heck does the Bible have to do with every thing important in life? hmmm... when you get married,what do they read out of? When you are sworn to tell the truth what do they make you put your right hand on. Did you know that in the old days the Bible is what kids used for school? why do you think that is?

the bible was written by 50 old men who had over 39 different books written 1900 years ago, 100 years after jesus died.
The bible is really over 100 books long but they took out most of it cuz it would be to boring.
Its not a rulebook based off true facts, it is a hypothetical stroy that has thousands of deep hidden meanings told by hundreds of storys,

for ecample i will explani it to the people who do not understand

"No way but through jesus"
Meaning jesus is teh good and "right" Things off all stuff. The only way you can be a happier person and make those areound you happier (go to heaven) is through jesus or throught the good will and goodness of people.

if you look DEEPLY not just at the surface, not just belive and think whatever is blindly given to you, but LOOK into teh actual book and lessons, you will see that it is like most creed songs, deep meanings of how you and I can live a true more heppier life for everyone. For that is the entire purpose of religion, and of all religions, to make our world a better place and to make everone as happie and caring, and good as we can be.
All religions do that, and Christianity isnt the "RIGHT" religion that if you dont belive it you wont burn in hell for being taught a different way of being good.
Hell is what our lives and world could be if we are all crule and uncaring to each other, we would be depressed, hurt, and unhappie. Heaven is the good and all the happines our world can accomplis hif we are nice , kind and giving to all.
"to eneter heaven is to enter a world of peace, happiness and joy tha tuou must make with otehrs and yourself.

thats my thoughts on it
of course you can belibe wha tu want
If life gives you lemons,

Then shut the hell up and eat your damn lemons!

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