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Old 05-17-2005, 02:29 AM   #26
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Quote: (Originally Posted by Jester) Ok lets get one thing stright here ...,..I never said Joseph smith died for his faith I said he dupped thousands.... now some mormans have died for their faith via missionaries being killed in the field but that is an other topic all together....

Lets get another thing stright here while we are at it.... My FATHER is a published author and theology scholar and professer who has done over 2 decades of research in christanity it is his lifes work. He has had his doctrite (from Dallas Theological Seminary One of the most respected seminaries in the country) for damn near 25 years. Even he agrees that the gospels were not penned until at least one centery after Jesus's death. They were penned based on word of mouth stories passed from the books from whom they are named.

Here is my question to you .... HAVE you even done research on this or are you just going to your pastor for advice who of course (more likely than not) has no theology degree at best a minor in bible?? please do answer me that. cuz I have years of research on my side.

Right on Jester
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