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Old 01-23-2006, 08:12 AM   #32
Status: Naked Toddler
Posts: 204
Joined: Nov 2003
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Re: Photos Or Anything For Chicago Show

I do not remember after what song he left the stage. Erin has a much better memory for those kinds of things. But he just left..... left Mark standing there. After a few minutes, when it was clear Stapp wasn't coming back Mark said something to the effect of "I'm not sure what's up with Scott, but I'll be right back". All in front of some 20,000 people. When Stapp returned to the stage he was shirtless and shoeless and soaking wet. (I later heard that they had dunked his head in cold water in an attempt to sober him up, but I'm not sure if that's true).

All I know is that from the moment he first took the stage, from the first three words out of his mouth it was clear that something was desperately wrong. He slurred his words when he remembered them. He sat on Flip's riser with a towel over his head for what seemed an interminable amount of time. He even sang a song like that. He kept leaning over the cat walk and looking underneath the stage (for what, I have no clue but I thought the guy was going to fall and split his head open any minute). Every time he came down the cat walk you could smell him and it wasn't pretty. The audience booed him. Brett was furious. He just glared at Stapp all night.

I'll never forget those floppy socks (the ones you can see in the pictures) and his laying down on stage. It was surreal. You really felt like you were watching a train wreck that was taking an hour and a half to happen.
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