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Old 12-08-2002, 11:33 PM   #31
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Ok, I'm going to rant. I apologize in advance if I tick anybody off. The more I think about the title of this thread, the more it bothers me. Please don't misunderstand; I'm not taking issue with the person who started it. It's just an observation.

Why is it that we hold celebrities or idols to much higher standards than we would others not in the public eye? It shouldn't be such a big deal if Scott cusses, gets drunk or gains a few pounds. It happens to a lot of people. I don't think Creed should be expected to be saintly, no matter what image of themselves they have tried to create for the fans. This whole rock-star mystique is a bunch of hooey. They are not gods, they are not perfect, they shouldn't be put on a pedestal. They are human, just like you and me.

Most of us want the same things in life: Fulfilling relationships with family and friends, a rewarding job perhaps, and just overall happiness. They have ups and downs as the rest of us do, and because they are human they might not always handle them in the best of ways. If Scott isn't handling his troubles well, so be it. I certainly understand the concern we all have for him and the band and the discussion of such. But I think it's really unfair to speculate on his supposed abuse of substances unless we personally saw him downing a fifth, shooting up, or snorting cocaine.

Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest. I must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed today!
Silly monkeys give them thumbs
they make a club and beat their brother down.
How they survive so misguided is a mystery.
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