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Old 12-07-2004, 10:31 AM   #83
Status: Blue Collar
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Not that I want to get in all this stuff...but I want to throw in my two bits about the performance.

I was really saddened, Stapp couldn't hit the notes...the bassist and guitarist(s!!) just plain sucked. If you mess up with distoration on, for the most part it isn't noticed, but when you do on a clean is. They looked like of like the Story of the Year guitarists, heh. Anyway.

Don't get me wrong, I still like Stapp, but in my opinion, if this is a show of what is to come...I'm glad there wasn't a new Creed record (in reference to his voice)...and if he can't get it fixed, healed or whatever...I think he should be a producer or something. The hardest thing for a fan to see, is their favorite artist continue to try to make music when they can't any longer...and I hope it doesn't come to that.

RIP Dimebag Darrell[/i]
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