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Old 01-31-2003, 10:59 PM   #23
hotforscott's Avatar
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Me, too! I salute them. I have a friend who is a single mom, she has 2 boys and when her jerk husband cheated on her and left, he left her 3 mo. behind on her house payment and she had to file bankruptcy to keep the house and now she has to pay it back and it takes 1/2 her paycheck. Her husband never sees the kids and doesn't even work so he isn't obligated to pay child support. he is a looser. I always try to help her. Sometimes drop groceries off or movies for the kids. I hate to see kids struggle and it's really sad, and what got to me the most, was when I went by there and Michelle had gotten them some little debbie cakes, and they were SO HAPPY about it, they wanted to show them to me. I mean, it broke my heart. She does nothing for herself, has the same clothes since high school, doesn't wear make-up. I mean, they have no snacks in their house, just food to cook, and I just couldn't imagine. She is a very strong person. I know one time I was out shopping and Payless had some shoes on sale for like 2.00, they were Blue's Clue's and since they were so cheap, I picked some up for her boys as well as my little boy and I brought them over to her and I put them on the boys and they said, "Mom, these one's don't hurt my feet" I about cried right there, but I waited until I got in the car. Just breaks my heart. I always try to bring some cookies by to them and cook them dinner every once in awhile just to help out. I honestly don't see how she does it.
Got a new Papillon puppy named Ajax!
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