Thread: Heaven at all?
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Old 06-09-2003, 01:42 AM   #21
Status: A Melody
Posts: 386
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i think he's just asking, why did you pray to him for so long if you don't even believe in him. I'm not saying that's wrong or anything, just i think that's what he's asking.

Don't apologise, you haven't offended anyone. Stating your opinion, what you believe, isn't an offence! It's just that SOME people get offended if what you believe isn't the same as what they believe... (no-one here!)

Me, I believe that there is a heaven, where God and Jesus and the angels live, where a select few go to after death. I don't believe there is a hell (show me that scripture that says there must be a hell...) and I believe that when we die, we lie in the ground and decompose and know nothing, no separate part of us flies off to live somewhere else, we just lie there and do nothing...until God decides sometime in the future that we can live on the earth again.
"I planted, Apollos watered, but God kept making it grow."
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