Thread: Pentagon video
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Old 08-10-2006, 11:46 AM   #15
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Re: Pentagon video

Quote: (Originally Posted by Chase) You called my country idiotic for defending itself after it was directly attacked by Islamic extremists... for no apparent reason.

even before your country suffered that terrrible tragedy....your defence departement had suspected these saying that there was no apparent totlally wrong my firend....there were many reasons.....though no reason at all in the whole world can justify a cRIMe like 9/11....please dont get that wrong...nothing in the universe might justify a crime as shame full and ugly as 9/11...may responsible for that suffer in hell and life before......i hope i have made my self clear....may the 9/11 culprits get fu**ed by slutty she-mails every night, for the rest of theri misreable life......i hope i am clear at my point........BUT...nothing in the world can justify a REACTION like attackin AFGHANISTAN......killing over 50,000 innocent people just becuase they were Afghanis....mostly women and children..........and if this is'nt matter if you labbel it self countless propaganda calling it libration for people of Afghanistan (sleeping that kind feeling for Afghanis for over decades.....)......what ever you paint it beautifullly ......its the most IDIOTIC blunder of times......cause killing of helpless people like AFghanis....poor and sick people...... for which world even did'nt showed any sympathy.......and what wast hte motive......capturing Osama bin laden?......could have figured out where he was......could have first identified a possible place...using intelligence and all.......but comes the mother of all please ur nation that Mr.bush is in the urgency to show that revenge is taken....he gave in to the pressure......he couldnt wait to figure all that he went on with the war....and dropped dasiy cutters.......if this isnt idioticity.........kindly find a mental institution for me.... why is collateral loss any different than terrorism....USA asked a big price from ohter people violating theri freeedom..... when i was a kid... my teacher tought us about every one having a circle around em....and it was called circle of freedom...and no one else is supposed to mess with others circle of freedom.... is USA really that innocent as much as you are trying to prove?.....i appreciate your patriotism.....but this beautiful feeling should'nt be turned into a poison.....and thats the biggest cancer of war.....a veitnam'e to me was as much patriotic as an American.....but both were shooting each other....

Quote: (Originally Posted by Chase) I'll tell you what idiocy is. Idiocy is threatening war with India over a ridiculous patch of mountainous terrain (Kashmir). Idiocy is allowing a totalitarian general to tell you how to run YOUR country. That, my friend, is idiocy. There are thousands of Pakistanis living in the United States because of that reason. To escape that way of life.

ridiculus patch of land??....... ........let me just say it again cause my mind aint processing it correctly at the moment......ridiculus patch of land??........i ll try to breif you with the history of what happened 50 years ago...which you seemed to be utterly unaware of ........and just saying what is presented to you by what i dont know...... if i go onn with the history of Kashimir ....this post might get endles..... but i will leave you with just one question for you to figure out....... why isnt there any international medai in Kashmir???......who has blocked access of any CNN or BCC kinda networks in Kashmir?...... you only get India bichin about Pakistan or Vice versa....but no info on What is going onn in Kashmr??...why?? UN or redcross???? many muslims are being killed/ assasinated in kashmir every day??? many indian soldiers are their in the occupied Kashmir and theri ratio with the population of people living their?.....who are they gaurding?.....or occpying??? many wemon have been raped, men tortured and killed??......when you get answere for these........ do come back and hit me on this topic........

Quote: (Originally Posted by Chase) It's "very lame" of you to sit there and demonize my nation for protecting itself and trying to destroy an ideology that refuses to coexist peacefully with people of different faiths.

what ideology are you refering just said it very vague......Islam?...... i hate to say it again and again....but ...alright more time..... when Islam was spread from the time it was first spoken about....alll of middle east was conqured by muslims in a matter of less than century......all of jeruslem......all the living jews of that time.......if it was ISLAM idology get rid of all the other might have had a channel called "national [JEW]graphic".....but this really isnt the case.....and i am going a bit oftopic here....but you know what....i trust that only JEws, just like in 1982, are gona stop the lebnan war this time was the protest of Jews in Israel that led to the stop of 1982 war is something of importance that led to the protest within Israel....

Sabra and Shatila massacre sep 1982 that attacked the Palestinian refugee is estimated that upto 3500 palestinian refugess where massacred by the israeli invadors source "

areil shron is still accused of leding such attack and for the masacres it commited.......still no justice

And its the only hope on my side too...that those remarkable people are gona stand up again....soon you will see...we all will see....t

was 9/11 an attack of Religions?....was it an attack on Christianity? .... so if that is true, which i disagree, then attacks on AFghanistan, iraq, palestine is a crusade?....... anohter holy war??......... i dont find any sence in what your saying......

Quote: (Originally Posted by Chase) The United States has been greatful for the initial support coming from Pakistan. But you know what? I remember seeing Pakistanis rioting in the streets chanting anti-American, anti-European, anti-Christian, and anti-Semitic things after a small Danish newspaper published a cheesey cartoon of the prohpet Mohammed. What the hell does the United States have to do with that? Why are Lebanese people chanting anti-American things when we have nothing to do with the Israel-Hezbollah war? para of yours is probably what you yourself need to read connected 9/11 with danish and with lebnese and made a remarkable comment in the end......

what do u expect from Pakistan?....our military dictator...which u said idiotic.....let you use all the facilities you needed...inspite of worst demonstrations in my country.....why?.... because that saine guy knew that he can control the FREEDOM of his countrymen...but he percieved correctly what USA would do to PAkistan if that military dictator chosees to stay with his people's opinion......we were not attacked by USA but would have if considereed the will of my people.....??.... that my freind is the JUSTICE your contry do with COuntries like my homeland PAKISTAN..... still if you think we dont have the right to protest...ask the same old still in power military man...and he might do something about it police killed my country army guys lost their lives gaurding the boarder with Afghanistan....adn thats a huge boarder ....all people suffured.....and we all paid price.. I were closed for days here....??..... many dalily wage poor people slept without food here....THAT MY friend is JUSTICE what your Adminstration has done to us.....atleast praise that military dictator for Christ sake ........should i go on to explain why we were offended on the Cartoons....start a new thread and i will is oftopic....

you said USA has nothing do with the current lebnese problem ..... realy....Israel.....does tthat rings any bell.....who is supposed to protect Israel even after what it has done over the Israel is justified on every thing it do...or is it really the guardian hand of USA that has really unleased it to do the u really believe if it wasnt for USA, any contry doing things like Israel has done would have stayed any chance of existance......who has kept UN out so far, who has kept EU out sofar?....c'mon chase...and your saying that USA has nothing to do LEbneses crisis......this coming from a student of politics is totally bizare.....

continued in the next post

Last edited by bilal : 08-10-2006 at 07:31 PM.
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